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Checking syntactic constraints on models using ATL model transformations Skander TURKI, Eric SENN, Dominique BLOUIN Workshop mtATL 08-09 july 2009 Support.

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Presentation on theme: "Checking syntactic constraints on models using ATL model transformations Skander TURKI, Eric SENN, Dominique BLOUIN Workshop mtATL 08-09 july 2009 Support."— Presentation transcript:

1 Checking syntactic constraints on models using ATL model transformations Skander TURKI, Eric SENN, Dominique BLOUIN Workshop mtATL 08-09 july 2009 Support for Predictable Integration of mission Critical Embedded Systems ITEA2 European Project AIRBUS BARCO Avionics THALES Avionics THALES Communications CEA-List CETIC FéRIA Lab-STICC / UBS SQS TCP K.U Leuven Universidad de Cantabria Axlog Verimag

2 Skander TURKI, Eric SENN, Dominique BLOUINNantes, 08/07/2009 Lab-STICC Context  AADL (Architecture and Analysis Design Language) : high-level analysis of the specification, the verification of functional and NFP of the system, code generation for the targeted hardware platform.  CAT (Consumption Analysis Toolbox) : SPICES sub-project that provides a method to estimate power consumption at an early stage of the design process  Integrated with OSATE (on top of Topcased and eclipse)  Marte Standard (Modeling and Analysis of Real-Time Embedded systems ) also integrated with Topcased throw Papyrus. Copyright Airbus - Image Graphique © I3M

3 Skander TURKI, Eric SENN, Dominique BLOUINNantes, 08/07/2009 Lab-STICC Objectives  Provide UML/Marte users with AADL analysis tools : CAT  Allow AADL users to work with well established commercial case tools.  Accelerate AADL dissemination. Copyright Airbus - Image Graphique © I3M

4 Skander TURKI, Eric SENN, Dominique BLOUINNantes, 08/07/2009 Lab-STICC  Use UML/MARTE as an AADL profile :  Marte specification Annex A : Guidance Example for Use of MARTE  allow MARTE users to stand upon precise semantics that are those of AADL : OMG MARTE consortium working with the AADL standardization committee to align MARTE with AADL semantics MarteToAadl Model Transformation

5 Skander TURKI, Eric SENN, Dominique BLOUINNantes, 08/07/2009 Lab-STICC Use Case : simple embedded system declaration model Structure Mapping rules : - Generalisation between two concrete (or two astract) classes is an AADL extension. - A Generalization from a concrete to an abstract class is an AADL implementation, the opposite is forbidden.

6 Skander TURKI, Eric SENN, Dominique BLOUINNantes, 08/07/2009 Lab-STICC Use Case : simple embedded system model transformation CPU2 is a processor implementaton of CPU processor type that extends CPU1

7 Skander TURKI, Eric SENN, Dominique BLOUINNantes, 08/07/2009 Lab-STICC  Design space reduction: Provide guidelines to MARTE users : Check constraints on transformation time. We decided not to add any extension to MARTE as this would break the standard aspect of MARTE. Problem : Syntactic gaps Problem : Too much design possibilities with {UML + Marte} Need to : bridge the syntactic gaps between these different languages

8 Skander TURKI, Eric SENN, Dominique BLOUINNantes, 08/07/2009 Lab-STICC The MarteToAadl process

9 Skander TURKI, Eric SENN, Dominique BLOUINNantes, 08/07/2009 Lab-STICC Design guidelines : Constraints Checking Generation of the Diagnosis Report  These 4 possibilities can be drawn using generalizations. Each possibility corresponds to a different AADL construct:  The first one is mapped to the AADL implementation  The second has no meaningful mapping in AADL, we can ignore it or generate an error message.  The third and forth situations correspond to the AADL extension construct : extend Marte User guidelines:

10 Skander TURKI, Eric SENN, Dominique BLOUINNantes, 08/07/2009 Lab-STICC Diagnosis Report Meta Model

11 Skander TURKI, Eric SENN, Dominique BLOUINNantes, 08/07/2009 Lab-STICC Design guidelines : Constraints Checking Generation of the Diagnosis Report (2)

12 Skander TURKI, Eric SENN, Dominique BLOUINNantes, 08/07/2009 Lab-STICC Using the diagnosis report from the MarteToAadl transformation  getHigherSeverityNotification() (if the result is > 2 it cannot continue):

13 Skander TURKI, Eric SENN, Dominique BLOUINNantes, 08/07/2009 Lab-STICC Using the diagnosis report from the MarteToAadl transformation (2) … …

14 Skander TURKI, Eric SENN, Dominique BLOUINNantes, 08/07/2009 Lab-STICC Conclusion  We presented a part of a MARTE to AADL model transformation that is used to solve the syntactic gaps between the two languages by constraints checking.  We also demonstrated how we can use a model transformation to check constraints on models.  We also detailed the presentation of the ecore VERIF meta- model.  We presented the structure of the ATL modules  For some syntactic gaps, we chose not to create a constraint. For implementation reasons, some “bad designs” can just be ignored like allocations between abstract classes.

15 Skander TURKI, Eric SENN, Dominique BLOUINNantes, 08/07/2009 Lab-STICC Perspectives  Check constraints in design time?  Externalize the definition of constraints : easily extendable (like we externalized the mappings in an ATL library)

16 Thank You UMR3192

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