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Gender Evaluation Methodology: A learning tool for change and empowerment Chat Garcia Ramilo Association for Progressive Communications.

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Presentation on theme: "Gender Evaluation Methodology: A learning tool for change and empowerment Chat Garcia Ramilo Association for Progressive Communications."— Presentation transcript:

1 Gender Evaluation Methodology: A learning tool for change and empowerment Chat Garcia Ramilo Association for Progressive Communications

2 the story of GEM  in the beginning, there was the project  which produced the tool  that grew the community

3 the GEM tool contains  a gender analytical framework drawn from gender and feminist research and thinking  a guide that structures the integration of gender analysis in evaluating ICT projects

4 the GEM community  GEM testers and users - those who have used the GEM tool in evaluating their projects or programs  GEM facilitators - those who train others in using the tool through workshops and those who use the tool to help others integrate gender in their project/program design and evaluation.

5 the GEM project  GEM 0: creating the first version of the GEM tool  GEM 1: testing and refining the tool  GEM 2: adapting the tool more broadly and deepening capacity of its use

6 GEM 0 1999 -2000  documenting lessons in women’s electronic networking.  writing GEM tool version 1  conducting first GEM workshop

7 GEM 1 2001 - 2005  testing and use of the GEM tool 32 projects 25 countries - teleworking in Malaysia - popular educators network in Sao Paolo, Brasil - ICT skills training for women in several rural communities in Nigeria - People’s call center in Bangladesh - GKP seed grantee

8 GEM 1  producing GEM tool version 2 4 languages  training GEM facilitators 31 facilitators, 20 countries  starting GEM services - building capacity of the APC WNSP

9 GEM 1  the process from GEM 0 to GEM 1 built the capacity of network of GEM evaluators as well as inspired a diverse range of practitioners to examine their projects from a gender perspective.

10 GEM 2  GEM 2 builds on the GEM 1 process by adapting the tool to various circumstances, building deeper capacity and producing more evaluation resources.  Its ultimate goal is to strengthen gender evaluation practice among key actors in the field of ICT for development.

11 GEM 2  research in four thematic areas - telecenters, localization, ICT projects in rural communities and national ICT policy processes  development of gender evaluation resources  formation of sustainable practitioners network  training of evaluators

12 the story continues  How this story unfolds, will be seen in the next three years.  I sincerely hope that there will be no sequel to GEM 2 so that we can begin to write and tell a new story.

13 ……….. the end.

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