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Ryan Traylor, Mariah Hobbs, Justin Dennis, Chelsea Tyson.

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1 Ryan Traylor, Mariah Hobbs, Justin Dennis, Chelsea Tyson

2 The Schlieffen Plan was created by Count Alfred Von Schlieffen. It was created in December of 1905 It was a plan to strategically win in a future war fighting on two fronts, France at the West and Russia to the east. For the plan to work the country would need speed to execute it.


4 Germany needed to avoid a two front war. Germany concentrated troops in the west to quickly defeat the French, but if needed, rushing the French troops by rail to the east to face the Russians. Germany knew that the Russian technology wasn’t as advance, as the French so they wouldn’t be much of a problem.


6 Three million died in the fighting, nine million wounded Russian and Germans fought, Austrians joined in It started August 17, 1914 Russian General- Pavel Rennenkampf’s first army invaded eastern Prussia Alexander’s second army attacked Germanys right flank



9 Trench Ware far Ran 700 kilometers from the Belgium Coast to the Swiss boarder British, France, U.S., Vs Germany, Austria Hungary Started August 3, 1914. Ended November 11, 1918 14 years 3 months 1 week



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