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1 Producing a product portfolio Module 1 Session 8,11,12.

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1 1 Producing a product portfolio Module 1 Session 8,11,12

2 2 Objectives Students will get the opportunity to: Practice what they have learnt so far using excel for tables and graphs Apply the analytical skills they have been developing Use excel on they own data Practice working in a team, develop their soft skills Practice communication: Both within your group and in the presentation Both within your group and in the presentation

3 3 Sessions 8 & 11 Form groups of 4-5 members Read and discuss the project overview This outlines the scenario, briefly, the group wishes to create a product portfolio is to show prospective clients wishing to use their results or consultancy services. They must first prepare a pilot portfolio to illustrate what they intend to produce. The pilot is what students are to produce. Look at the questionnaires from the Ugandan national household survey 3 Then choose a topic to focus on e.g. health, education, water and sanitation or poverty

4 4 The Group Decide how you will work within your group to achieve the objectives you have set You should be using previous skills and knowledge acquired in this course within the limited time available You will have to split the responsibilities among the team members consider appropriate team composition (Chairperson, reporter, Presenter, etc.) For this you should think about each persons skills and strengths from previous experience or from within this course and position them appropriately

5 5 The Project: Next determine : The objectives of your study. These will lead you to the variables that need to be analysed. Which will lead you to the precise data that you need to request. The analysis you will apply to your data You should plan the tables and graphs you will use to highlight the important points about your data Even sketch numberless versions by hand. Write a short justification for each one, stating what they will add to the presentation. (if this is difficult rethink your decision to include the figure)

6 6 Data request: Complete the data request from and submit it. To do this your project will need to be clearly defined. You will need to justify why you need the data. And what it will be used for. These forms are important as they provide the data provider with a record of when, which data has gone towards what. Thus they know which data has been useful Which data should be collected in more or less detail, more or less frequently What is being achieved as a result of the surveys…

7 7 Presentation Prepare a few slides to explain your work to the ‘clients’ This must be prepared on time If necessary some tables or graphs may have to be omitted This is to take the form of the presentation from a pilot project It is also to justify further work that you specify briefly in the presentation giving terms of reference if possible The presentation is to the sector working group and to others who are interested

8 8 Project work plan All of these timing are guidelines if you feel you would like to plan more thoroughly so that you spend less time creating the presentation that is the choice of the group. One hour and a half Discussing the project and completing the data request form Three hours (perhaps working in two smaller groups) Analyzing (creating tables, graphs and explanatory text…) Plans of future work proposals (if you are including this) One hour and a half Creating the PowerPoint presentation

9 9 Session 12: Presentations Each group will give their presentation. Each presentation should be 5 to 10 slides long and last 5 to 10 minutes. Try not to exceed this time limit If you do you may be cut off before you finish It is useful to take notes during other groups presentations so as to be able to give useful feedback. And to help you fill in the assessment forms

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