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VAE (Validation of Acquired Experience) panel 2nd workshop : Presentation of jury procedure in UBO, Mary laure perdigao.

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Presentation on theme: "VAE (Validation of Acquired Experience) panel 2nd workshop : Presentation of jury procedure in UBO, Mary laure perdigao."— Presentation transcript:

1 VAE (Validation of Acquired Experience) panel 2nd workshop : Presentation of jury procedure in UBO, Mary laure perdigao

2 What does the decree say? (2013-756 decree of 19 August 2013 - Art. R613- 36) “[...] The [accreditation] panel is principally comprised of academics as well as persons whose professional role does not involve teaching and whose expertise allows them to appreciate the nature of the experience, professional experience in particular, for which accreditation is sought. Any panel member affiliated with the company or body where the candidate carried out his/her role cannot participate in the discussions on the candidate. Panel members are appointed by the head of the establishment in question based on their skills, aptitudes and qualifications, and while endeavouring to ensure a balanced composition of men and women.” 17/12/20152

3 3 Chair: UBO President Or Vice-President Or Faculty Director REVA office member Director of REVA office Or REVA office advisor Academics Professional(s) Permanent members Experts The panel: Its composition

4 The panel: its role Panel chair: Ensures the panel runs smoothly and in compliance with the rules of the VAE. He/she chairs the panel. Academic: Qualification expert (required knowledge and skills) Professional: He/she assess the candidate’s professionalism and technical skills The REVA office advisor: is not a member of the panel. He/she ensures that the spirit of the VAE is maintained and that the panel runs smoothly (procedure, etc.) 17/12/2015 4

5 Mrs MARTIN’s panel ROLESTATUS ChairDean of the University School of Management (IAE) Academic 1Head of the Master’s in Human Resource Management Academic 2Lecturer in information management Professional“Company relations” consultant in an association for executive recruitment VAE representative REVA office advisor 17/12/2015 5

6 Why be a member of a VAE panel? Develop connections between the professional world and the university Networking opportunities Discuss professional practices and career development Consider new ways of acquiring skills Find out more about training possibilities at the university 17/12/2015 6

7 THE PANEL PROCESS In advance: Panel members study the candidate’s application The day of the panel Phase 1: discussion between panel members based on reading the VAE application Phase 2: interview with candidate (presentation + 2/3 questions from each panel member) Questions are based on the application and on the candidate’s presentation: it is not an exam panel or an oral exam. The purpose of the interview is to go into more depth or clarify aspects of the application or the candidate’s experience. Phase 3: deliberating the result Phase 4: drafting the minutes, the VAE chair reads the decision to the panel members 17/12/2015 7

8 Evaluation methods The evaluation is carried out in “the spirit of a VAE”. The panel members try to decide whether the candidate’s skills and knowledge broadly cover the requirements of the qualification. What might the panel pay attention to? Does the candidate know his/her professional field well? Does the candidate know how to “take a broader view” of his/her experience? Is the candidate able to analyse, present and summarise his/her experience? What level of responsibility does the candidate have? How much autonomy does the candidate have? Can the candidate speak and write well? 17/12/2015 8

9 3 possible decisions Full accreditation Partial accreditation No accreditation 17/12/2015 9

10 Full accreditation The candidates experience covers the requirements of the qualification, The maximum number of ECTS is received, And granted a grade, from “pass” to “distinction” (this differs for a doctorate), The qualification is the same as the one awarded to students. There is no grade specific to the VAE. 17/12/2015 10

11 Partial accreditation The candidate has some of required knowledge and skills, The number of ECTS attributed corresponds to the level of accreditation given, The panel makes suggestions: → Taking courses → Writing an extended essay or report → Oral exam… 17/12/2015 11

12 Mrs MARTIN’s case Mrs MARTIN has acquired a solid skill base in the management of posts, recruitment, training, human resources, payroll and managing HR projects. Her skills fulfil almost all the requirements of the master’s in human resources management. BUT... there are gaps in her knowledge, and essential skills to fulfil the requirements of the qualification are missing. 17/12/2015 12

13 For this reason, in order to be awarded the full qualification, Mrs MARTIN needs to take the following second year master’s modules: In semester 9: -Strategic planning and HR processes (4 ECTS) -Managing careers and posts (5 ECTS) In semester 10: - HR audit and professional report (7 ECTS) Mrs MARTIN has obtained 104 out of the 120 ECTS required for the master’s. The panel could have offered Mrs MARTIN the chance write an extended essay to fill any gaps, but she had expressed a desire to take courses in the event of partial accreditation and the panel took this approach. 17/12/2015 13

14 No accreditation The panel believes that the candidate’s level of knowledge and skill is not adequate with regards to the level required, No accreditation is given, This result is extremely rare. The administrative and learning assessments carried out at the beginning of the process limit this risk. 17/12/2015 14

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