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大航海與工業革命 張彬村. 1. 大航海 Christopher Columbus(1451-1506) Vasco da Gama(1460-1524) James Cook(1728-1779)

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Presentation on theme: "大航海與工業革命 張彬村. 1. 大航海 Christopher Columbus(1451-1506) Vasco da Gama(1460-1524) James Cook(1728-1779)"— Presentation transcript:

1 大航海與工業革命 張彬村

2 1. 大航海 Christopher Columbus(1451-1506) Vasco da Gama(1460-1524) James Cook(1728-1779)

3 2. 工業革命 Adam Smith(1723-1790): The Wealth of Nations(1776) 國富論 Fernand Braudel(1902-1985): Civilization and Capitalism 15th-18th Century (1979) Joseph Schumpeter(1883-1950): The Theory of Economic Development (1934)

4 3. 討論 1. 要素替代 (Factor Substitution(K/L)) ghost acres: visible and invisible 2. 雙元經濟 (Two-sector economy) 領先部門 (Leading sector) Arthur Lewis(1915-1991): “Economic Development with Unlimited Supply of Labor”, The Manchester School, vol.22, May 1954, pp.139-191) W.W. Rostow(1916-2003) The Stages of Economic Growth (Cambridge UP, 1960)

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