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Slide 1 Observed Points of Concern Game Management Ohio South 2015 Advanced Referee Recertification Mod “C” Training.

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Presentation on theme: "Slide 1 Observed Points of Concern Game Management Ohio South 2015 Advanced Referee Recertification Mod “C” Training."— Presentation transcript:

1 Slide 1 Observed Points of Concern Game Management Ohio South 2015 Advanced Referee Recertification Mod “C” Training

2 Slide 2 GAME MANAGEMENT ADDING TIME It is the DUTY of the Referee to: act as the timekeeper of the match add appropriate time for all delays It is the POWER of the Referee to: determine at his discretion the amount of time to be added

3 Slide 3 GAME MANAGEMENT ADDING TIME ADD Time – FIFA: The announcement of additional time is not an indication of the exact amount of time left in the match The time may be increased if the referee considers it appropriate, but it can never be reduced Example: If add time is three minutes, then it is not appropriate for the referee to declare the match over at 2-1/2 minutes.

4 Slide 4 GAME MANAGEMENT ADDING TIME ADD Time – Minimum: Referees MUST add time for all youth games be it a few seconds or a few minutes. Every game MUST be extended to at least allow an attack-on-goal play to come to its natural conclusion.  Typically youth tournaments have in their rules that no time is to be added to a game … this is contrary to the Laws when rigidly applied to the split second. The intent of the tournament rule is not to add minutes to the match because of its tight schedule of games. The addition of a few seconds to allow play to come to a natural conclusion will not adversely effect tournament game schedules.  In tournament games where goal differential is a tie-breaker the score of the game, be it 1-0 or 8-0, should not matter … at least extend the game so as to allow play to come to its natural conclusion.

5 Slide 5 Game Management Responsibilities First Priority Keep the Game SAFE

6 Slide 6 Game Management Injuries When a player is injured, assess the severity of the injury. Call for help if needed, and then get away from the area. If the game is stopped for an injury (not a hurt) the player must be removed from the game, but may return with Referee’s approval.

7 Slide 7 Game Management Injuries Be especially aware of head injuries … implement Concussion protocol if necessary Remember: If a player exhibits signs of a concussion (in your opinion), that player must be removed from the game and may not return … team is free to substitute and shall not play short because player has been removed.

8 Slide 8 Game Management Referee Decisions NOT making a decision IS making a decision Not blowing the whistle or not raising the flag is in effect making a decision by default … whether the result ends up being correct or not What you allow you encourage Players will continue to try and raise the bar until the referee intervenes Whistle “takes something away” from one team Cannot be taken back Game must stop whether decision is “right or wrong”

9 Slide 9 Game Management Player Dissent Know the difference between emotion and dissent. Don’t be afraid to listen to their complaints. You do not have to agree, but often they just want to be heard. Do not make threats like “One more word and you’re gone!” During a blow-out, keep your focus and do not allow misconduct.

10 Slide 10 Game Management Player Dissent What is Player Dissent??? When a player does not agree with your decision Regarding… Any decision of the game officials How?? By word or action It could be…  Disrespectful  Abusive  Personal  Threatening

11 Slide 11 Game Management Player Dissent Reasons for Dissent by Players: Slow whistle in upper level games will create problems Not keeping up with play Continually out of position Poor communication and signaling Lack of professionalism Inconsistent decision making

12 Slide 12 Game Management Player Dissent Types of Player Dissent: Human reaction Emotional reaction Quiet comment or reaction Continual complaining Demonstrative dissent Foul and abusive language or gestures Threatening behavior

13 Slide 13 Game Management Player Dissent Player dissent crosses the line and must be dealt with when it is… directed at the officials effects play effects referee team concentration Personal IFK restart if play is stopped for player’s dissent

14 Slide 14 Game Management Player Dissent Your Reactions Be Calm Be Firm Be Positive Keep It Short

15 Slide 15 Game Management Player Dissent WATCH-OUTS… Rabbit Ears (over sensitive) Avoidance Not Following Thru Over-Reaction

16 Slide 16 Game Management Player Dissent How to Handle … Deal With It Early Keep a Safe Distance Do Not Add Fuel to the Fire Do Not Shout Do Not Threaten

17 Slide 17 Game Management Player Dissent If there’s DISSENT – DEAL with IT !!!

18 Slide 18 Dissenr – BT #12 During the game a BU16 player, A5, is being taunted and verbally chastised by several spectators on the sideline. Finally after several comments from the sideline, player A5 flips them the bird. The referee should send off player A5 for using offensive, insulting or abusive language and/or gestures. A. TRUE B. FALSE

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