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Presentation on theme: "FACILITY GRANTS PERFORMANCE SCORES Monday, September 12, 2011."— Presentation transcript:


2 IndicatorsPerformance ParametersABCDEFGHI A. Monthly financial reporting Meeting Reporting Deadlines Are Monthly reports Submitted by 20th of the following month √ΧΧΧΧΧΧΧΧ Date of Last Report Jun'11 Apr'11Jun'11Apr'11Jun'11Apr'11Jun'11 Are reports for March 20th and June 20th accompanied by request for advance for next three months ΧΧΧ√ΧΧΧΧΧ Type of report submitted (i) Are Stat. of Actual Income & Expenditure submitted √Χ√√Χ√√ΧΧ (ii) Are Monthly Cash book summaries submitted √√√√Χ√√ΧΧ (iii) Are Bank reconciliation statements submitted ΧΧΧ√Χ√ΧΧΧ (iv) Are payment vouchers/back up documentation(s) submitted √√√√√√√√√ (v) Are monthly bank statements submitted √Χ√√Χ√√√Χ Scores achieved 524615421 Total 777777777 Performance (Financial Reporting) 71%29%57%86%14%71%57%29%14% SUSTAIN – Strengthening Uganda’s Systems for Treating AIDS Nationally

3 IndicatorsPerformance Parameters ABCDEFGHI B. Accounting System Maintaining Bank Accounts Is there a separate bank account for SUSTAIN ΧΧ√√ΧΧ√√√ Documentation of expenses (i) Office supplies (stationery, cleaning materials etc) (i) Are Proforma invoices attached ΧΧ√√ΧΧ√√Χ (ii) Are PR's raised ΧΧ√√ΧΧΧ√Χ (iii) Are LPO's issued ΧΧ√√ΧΧΧ√Χ (iv) Are Invoices attached √√√√√√√√√ (v) Are Receipts attached √√√√√√√√√ (v) Are goods accompanied with Delivery note (and attached) Χ√√√ΧΧ√√√ (vi) Are Goods received note attached ΧΧ√√ΧΧΧ√Χ (vii) Are Payments made by cheque ΧΧ√√ΧΧΧ√Χ SUSTAIN – Strengthening Uganda’s Systems for Treating AIDS Nationally

4 IndicatorsPerformance ParametersABCDEFGHI B. Accounting System Cont. (ii) Cash advances (for all payments made by cash) (i) Are advances accounted for within reasonable time √ΧΧΧΧΧΧΧΧ (ii) Are accountability forms used Χ√ΧΧΧΧ√Χ√ (iii) Are receipts for fuel, refreshments, internet, photocopy, etc attached √√√√√√√√√ (iv) Are request for volunteer allowances accompanied by daily attendance sheet Χ√ΧΧΧ√ΧΧΧ (v) Are attendance register for all participants during mentorship/community outreaches attached √√√√√√√√√ (vi) Are reports for mentorship/community outreaches attached √√√√√√√√√ (vii) Are correct rates for facilitation allowances applied to the right officers √Χ√√Χ√Χ√√ SUSTAIN – Strengthening Uganda’s Systems for Treating AIDS Nationally

5 IndicatorsPerformance ParametersABCDEFGHI Accounting Systems Cont. Maintaining Books of Accounts (i) Are Vote books maintained ΧΧ√√ΧΧΧΧΧ (ii) Are Cash books maintained √ΧΧΧ√ΧΧΧΧ (ii) Are Bank statements picked monthly √Χ√√Χ√√√Χ (iv) Creditors/Paymet register Scores achieved 9914 8810149 Total 18 Performance (Accounting Systems) 50% 78% 44% 56%78%50% SUSTAIN – Strengthening Uganda’s Systems for Treating AIDS Nationally

6 IndicatorsPerformance ParametersABCDEFGHI C. Cash Management (i) Is bulk cash withdrawal minimized √Χ√√Χ√Χ√Χ Scores achieved 101101010 Total 111111111 Performance (Cash Management) 100%0%100% 0%100%0%100%0% SUSTAIN – Strengthening Uganda’s Systems for Treating AIDS Nationally

7 SUMMARY OF PERFORMANCE Performance ParametersABCDEFGHIA Financial Reporting 71%29%57%86%14%71%57%29%14% 48% Accounting Systems 50% 78% 44% 56%78%50% 59% Cash Management 100%0%100% 50% 0%100%0% 56% Overall Performance 74%26%78%88%36%55%38%69%21% 54% SUSTAIN – Strengthening Uganda’s Systems for Treating AIDS Nationally

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