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Airedale, Wharfedale and Craven Clinical Commissioning Group Julia Burrows Consultant in Public Health NHS Airedale, Bradford and Leeds.

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Presentation on theme: "Airedale, Wharfedale and Craven Clinical Commissioning Group Julia Burrows Consultant in Public Health NHS Airedale, Bradford and Leeds."— Presentation transcript:

1 Airedale, Wharfedale and Craven Clinical Commissioning Group Julia Burrows Consultant in Public Health NHS Airedale, Bradford and Leeds

2 Population Health needs and disease prevalence Spend and Outcomes Key Issues



5 Implications..... Risk factors Health care services needed Population characteristics What issues are seen as priorities?

6 2. Need and disease prevalence


8 3Spend

9 £914m in 10/11 (£168m per 100k population) Moved from £133m per 100k (06 07) to £167m / 100k (09 10) (Range is £159m / 100k – £219 / 100k pop). £

10 Where does the money get spent. £914m Prevention and Health Promotion - £24m (2.6%) Primary Care – GMS, Dental and Opthalmology - £122m (13%) Primary care prescribing and pharmacy services - £107m (12%) Elective in patients (and day cases) - £80m (9%) Non elective – £122m (13%) Outpatients - £67m (7%) Other secondary care (non PBR) - £199m (22%) Ambulance £15m (1.7%) A&E – £15m (1.6%) Community care - £55m (6%) Health and social care in other settings - £67m (7.2%) Non health social care - £38m (4.2%)


12 4. Outcomes

13 All age, all cause mortality (NB axis labelled incorrectly - should be DSR/100,000)

14 Conditions amenable to treatment <75 death rate. DSR / 100,000 (NB axis labelled incorrectly - should be DSR/100,000)

15 Is the additional spend making a difference?

16 Prevalence –Nothing lower than England average Higher than England average - non elective Outcomes – poor for CVD, respiratory and neurological Yorkshire & Humber Public Health Observatory analysis - Mental health, cancer (smoking etc), musculoskeletal, respiratory, neurological, low birth weight

17 What are the big issues? How can you or your organisation contribute to the local health and wellbeing agenda?

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