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1 Psychology 320: Psychology of Gender and Sex Differences March 24 Lecture 59.

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1 1 Psychology 320: Psychology of Gender and Sex Differences March 24 Lecture 59

2 2 Office Hour Invitations March 28, 11:30-2:30, Kenny 3102 20662136 25695107 37754108 40919110 48596126 49390115 78048097

3 3 Paper: Topic due date: March 17 (Option A or B, 3-5 sentence summary; e-mail to your TA for approval). Paper due date: March 31. Questions? Reminder

4 Students are expected to submit a hard copy of their paper during class on March 31. Paper Submission 4 Late papers: (a) will receive a 10% deduction per 24- hour period after the class period has ended on March 31 and (b) must be handed in directly to me or your TA. In addition to submitting a hard copy in class, you must submit an electronic copy to TurnItIn.

5 Psychology 3055 TurnItIn is a plagiarism detection system that scans and compares your paper to online content (e.g., other students’ papers, published works, websites). It provides an “originality report” that documents the overlap between your paper and online content, identifying sources of plagiarized content. Overlap between your paper and online content is acceptable if you have properly cited the sources (see the course syllabus and APA Publication Manual for citation procedures). What is TurnItIn? 5

6 Psychology 3056 Step-by-step instructions are available in the “Student Quickstart Guide” at support/guides_manuals.html. Go to If you do not have an account, create an account by clicking “Create Account.” TurnItIn Instructions 6

7 Psychology 3057 Use the following information to create an account or add Psychology 320 to your existing account: Jonathan’s students (last names A-Q): Class ID: 7853249 Password: GenderAQ Pavel’s students (last names R-Z): Class ID: 7853252 Password: GenderRZ 7

8 Psychology 3058 You will receive “0” on your paper if you do not submit it to TurnItIn. Additional Notes on TurnItIn 8 You may view your originality report before submitting the hard copy in class to address any concerns regarding plagiarism. Please contact your TA if you have any questions or difficulties submitting your paper to TurnItIn. The electronic copy submitted to TurnItIn must be identical to the hard copy submitted in class; do not change the content or format of the document.

9 A little R&R …. (Review and Reflect) 9

10 10 Mental Health: 1. Are there sex differences in depression? (continued)

11 11 By the end of today’s class, you should be able to: 1. discuss sex differences in exposure to stressful life events and traumatic events. 2. review explanations for sex differences in rates of post-traumatic stress disorder.

12 12 6. Stressful Life Events  A meta-analysis of 119 studies (Davis, Matthews, & Twamley, 1999) revealed a small sex difference in exposure to (i.e., quantity of) stressful life events (e.g., job loss, divorce, financial problems): Exposure to stress: d = -.08 The sex difference peaks in adolescence (d = -.12) and declines in adulthood. Are there sex differences in depression? (continued)

13 TraumaSex Difference Magnitude of Difference (Odds Ratio) Childhood sexual assaultF > M2.7 Adult sexual assaultF > M6.0 Nonsexual assaultM > F1.6 AccidentsM > F1.5 Illness or injuryM > F1.5 Disaster or fireM > F1.3 Witness death or injuryM > F1.3 Combat/war/terrorismM > F3.6 13 Sex Differences in the Prevalence of Specific Types of Traumatic Events (Tolin & Foa, 2006)

14 14  Nevertheless, females are two times more likely than males to be diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

15 15 By the end of today’s class, you should be able to: 1. discuss sex differences in exposure to stressful life events and traumatic events. 2. review explanations for sex differences in rates of post-traumatic stress disorder.

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