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Chapter 8 Final Construction Final construction in the SDLC Construct and test programs Construct and test the database Obtain additional hardware Prepare.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 8 Final Construction Final construction in the SDLC Construct and test programs Construct and test the database Obtain additional hardware Prepare."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 8 Final Construction Final construction in the SDLC Construct and test programs Construct and test the database Obtain additional hardware Prepare the facility Test the hardware Complete the documentation Train participants and users Final construction management

2 The Final Construction in the SDLC Continuation of preliminary construction activities Fig 8.1: Final Construction Phase Overview

3 Construct and Test Programs Final testing (system testing) Black box testing White box (glass box) testing Fig 8.2: Final Testing Occurs in the Last Software Staging Environment

4 Construct and Test Programs System features that must be tested Compliance with user specifications Programming assumptions Coordination of 5 system components Coordination of coded modules All input/process/output conditions

5 Construct and Test Programs Test plan contents Personnel and supplies Preliminary tests of each component Final tests Documentation of test plans, data, and results

6 Construct and Test Programs Documentation of test results Fig 8.3: A Test Specification Form

7 Construct and Test Programs Test plan example Fig 8.4: Gantt Chart of Preliminary Test Activities

8 Construct and Test the Database Factors influencing database creation complexity Size of firm Type of firm Data availability Data format

9 Obtain Additional Hardware Sources of hardware information Hardware vendors Publications The Internet

10 Obtain Additional Hardware The RFP Fig 8.5: An Outline of a Request for Proposal Vendor proposals Fig 8.6: An Outline of a Vendor Proposal

11 Obtain Additional Hardware Selecting the vendor or vendors Evaluation criteria  Equipment performance  Equipment maintenance  Education  Industry knowledge Verifying vendor claims  User contacts  Benchmark problems

12 Obtain Additional Hardware Payment Plans Rental Lease Lease-purchase

13 Prepare the Facility Large-scale system considerations Security Raised floors Temperature and humidity controls Pollutant controls Fire controls Uninterrupted power Networked system special considerations

14 Test the Hardware Some common tests Fig 8.7: Common Hardware Tests

15 Complete the Documentation Users manual Quick reference guide Technical manuals Operations manual Installation manual Developer manual

16 Complete the Documentation Users manual Fig 8.8: Common Sections of a Users Manual

17 Complete the Documentation Operations manual Fig 8.9: Contents of a Technical Operations Manual

18 Train Participants and Users Planning steps 1.Two weeks before cutover 2.Reserve resources one month in advance 3.Notify trainees three times—one month, two weeks, and two days prior 4.Check the facility the day before 5.Train technical/maintenance staff first 6.Next train user managers 7.Train users with similar functions 8.Schedule make-ups when needed 9.Conduct a follow-up survey

19 Train Participants and Users Plan approval Fig 8.10: A Training Plan Approval Form

20 Final Construction Management Fig 8.11: Final Construction Management Grid

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