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Slide 1 Pathways for a Next Generation Learning Environment (LE) Phase 1: A MnSCU Environmental Scan and Request for Information (RFI) Project.

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Presentation on theme: "Slide 1 Pathways for a Next Generation Learning Environment (LE) Phase 1: A MnSCU Environmental Scan and Request for Information (RFI) Project."— Presentation transcript:

1 Slide 1 Pathways for a Next Generation Learning Environment (LE) Phase 1: A MnSCU Environmental Scan and Request for Information (RFI) Project

2 Slide 2 Rationale and Timing Three interrelated events lead to the conclusion that MnSCU should begin work immediately to look at Pathways for the Next Generation Learning Environment: The LE landscape is changing LE platforms (and all large IT implementations) are trending toward cloud hosting MnSCU’s self-hosted D2L instance is experiencing some issues with possible increased feature loss in the next few years

3 Slide 3 ASA Technology Council Recommendation Oct 2015 MnSCU proceed immediately with an environmental scan and product RFI to evaluate possible pathways for ensuring high quality, connected LE services for MnSCU faculty and students well into the 2020s and possibly beyond. Knowing that MnSCU will have to go out on a public bid well before the end of the D2L contract, the timing of this scan will permit sufficient lead time to scan the environment, assess all products that live in the LE space (including D2L’s cloud services), make a report to the ASA Technology Council, and assess when or how soon to proceed with Phases 2 and Phase 3 of this project.

4 Slide 4 Purpose of Phase 1 Conduct an environmental LE scan to include national trends in higher education related to Next Gen LEs and a scan of other large institutions or systems to assess directions, issues and trends that can inform MnSCU Complete a product RFI Assess availability of successful pathways for a MnSCU Next Gen LE Prepare a report that includes key findings and recommendations from the environmental scan and the RFI

5 Slide 5 Purpose of Phase 1 – cont’d Recommend number of years MnSCU should exercise optional one-year extensions with D2L Recommend timeframe for Phase 2 of the project (an in-depth system-wide needs analysis with a broad stakeholder/end-user engagement process) Recommend timeframe for Phase 3 of the project (RFP)

6 Slide 6 What About D2L Brightspace? During this project timeframe and persistently over time, MnSCU staff actively will explore: D2L’s long-term roadmap and priorities for developing functionality that works for self-hosted clients, and Requirements, tasks, and resources needed to move to D2L’s cloud environment. Such a decision cannot be made without an RFP process; however, all information gleaned from this process will inform both the functional and technical requirements of an RFP

7 Slide 7 Project Structure and Recommendation Process Phase 1 assigned to LE Workgroup of the MnSCU ASA Technology Council ASA Tech Council MnSCU System Council (1 of 4) Reviews recommendations from any subcommittees (i.e., RFP committee) Makes and forwards final recommendations ASA Tech Council MnSCU System Council (1 of 4) Reviews recommendations from any subcommittees (i.e., RFP committee) Makes and forwards final recommendations LE Workgroup Ongoing work group of the ASA Tech Council Assigned to complete Phase 1 activities with target date of Feb/March 2016 LE Workgroup Ongoing work group of the ASA Tech Council Assigned to complete Phase 1 activities with target date of Feb/March 2016 Sr. Vice Chancellor of Academic and Student Affairs Review recommendations Makes final decision Sr. Vice Chancellor of Academic and Student Affairs Review recommendations Makes final decision

8 Slide 8 Phase 1 Timeline

9 Slide 9 Future Phases Phase 2: A comprehensive MnSCU-wide needs analysis with broad stakeholder engagement (date recommended as part of Phase 1) – will inform RFP requirements Phase 3: A Learning Environment RFP (date recommended as part of Phase 1)

10 Slide 10 Stakeholder Communication ASA Tech Council (Oct and Nov meetings) LE Work Group (Nov meeting) CIOs and CAOs – December Faculty bargaining units and student organizations – starting in December CATT teams - January

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