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1. Design-Build is a project delivery process in which the design and construction phases of a project are combined in a single contract. The consultant.

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Presentation on theme: "1. Design-Build is a project delivery process in which the design and construction phases of a project are combined in a single contract. The consultant."— Presentation transcript:

1 1

2 Design-Build is a project delivery process in which the design and construction phases of a project are combined in a single contract. The consultant designer and construction contractor function as a Design-Build Team, working concurrently on the design and construction phases of a project. 2

3 In the Design-Bid-Build (DBB) process, a designer, hired by ODOT or ODOT, prepares project plans. ODOT then uses these plans to solicit bids for a separate construction contract. In the Design-Build (DB) process, ODOT hires a Design-Build Team (DBT) to complete both the design and construction elements of a project as part of a single contract. 3

4  Perceived Downfalls  Checks and Balances on design  Owner losses ultimate design control ▪ Scope Compliance ▪ Stated Minimums are the standard

5  Benefits of Design-Bid-Build  Unit Cost: 6% Cheaper *  Construction Speed: 12% Faster *  Project Delivery Speed: 33% Faster *  Cost Growth: 5.2% Less *  Schedule Growth: 11.4% Less *  One point of responsibility  Design Risk Transfer * Source: Konchar and Savindo (1999)

6 5517.011 Combining design and construction elements of highway or bridge project into single contract. “…the director of transportation may establish a program to expedite the sale and construction of special projects by combining the design and construction elements of a highway or bridge project into a single contract. The director shall prepare and distribute a scope of work document upon which the bidders shall base their bids. “ 6

7  ODOT has the authority to do $1 Billion per fiscal year.  Have constructed +200projects to date – total $1.5 Billion: Ave project size = $5.7million  Majority of DB projects in Ohio (+200) using Low Bid DB  Average: 1.9% by # of projects  Averaging 11.3% by $

8  An amendment to the ORC 5517.011 (6/29/2011) …” Notwithstanding any provision of Chapter 5525. of the Revised Code, the director may use a value-based selection process, combining technical qualifications and competitive bidding elements, including consideration for minority or disadvantaged businesses that may include joint ventures, when letting special projects that contain both design and construction elements of a transportation project into a single contract. 8

9  ODOT allowed to combine technical qualifications and competitive bidding elements  “Value-Based” DB  CUY-90: Cleveland Innerbelt Bridge – CCG1  Fra-71/670: Columbus Crossroads – Project 1

10  Previous Value-Based Design-Build  CUY-90: Cleveland Innerbelt Bridge – CCG1 ($360 mill)  Fra-71/670: Columbus Crossroads – Project 1 ($240 mill)  Technical Proposal ▪ Defines the amount of Details requested on actual design ▪ Defines the requested detail on proposed solutions Further definition of proposed team ▪ Large SOQ (+50 pages) and Proposal required (+200 pages 11x17)

11 Low DB process: Contract is awarded to the lowest bidder. The prequalified bidder must fulfill all conditions of DB scope. Two-Step Least-Cost DB process: Only the most qualified Bidders allowed to bid. Contract awarded based cost from most qualified bidders. Price evaluated for responsiveness. 11

12  Scope of Services development  Project requirements must be established  Risk items to be determined  Contractual items need defined (removal of preferences without damaging innovation and flexibility) ▪ Level of Innovation dependent upon the amount of allowed flexibility  Defined outcomes from the DBT must be clearly stated  Not Confidential 12

13  Request for Qualifications  Defines what and how the proposers are to give ODOT to be shortlisted  Typically request Team, demonstrated Capability, and Project approach  Requested information dependent upon how much information available at RFQ Only opportunity to define what the important team selection items are to be. 13

14 1.ODOT publishes a Request for Qualifications (RFQ) RFQ includes DRAFT Project Scope and Appendices. 14

15 2. Unlimited number of potential bidders submit a CONFIDENTIAL Statement of Qualifications (SOQ) outlining their project understanding, qualifications and experience. All DBTs must be prequalified. SOQ is evaluated by two groups: Technical-Level SOQ group. Executive-Level SOQ group. 15

16 3. ODOT short-lists Design Build Teams (DBTs) based on their respective Statements of Qualifications. Typically, three DBTs are short- listed. Request for Proposals (RFP) is released. RFP includes “final” Project Scope and Appendices. (FHWA must approval final RFP) 16

17 4. Short-listed Bidders submit Price Proposals to ODOT. 5. Price verified for Responsiveness. 17

18 18 TopicEvaluation CriteriaMaximum Points Project Understanding and Approach How well does the DBT demonstrate a preliminary understanding of the design and construction requirements of the project? 35 Design Build Project Team How well do the DBT’s qualifications, experience and time availability relate to the requirements of the project? 35 DBT Capabilities How well does the DBT’s SOQ communicate and domonstrate their design, construction and project management experience for this project? 30 Total 100

19  Evaluators selected on the basis of professional expertise and knowledge of the project.  Must agree to sign Confidentiality Agreement  Use expertise to independently assess how each submittal has demonstrated the involved DBT’s ability to achieve project objectives as outlined in the bid documents. 19

20  Evaluators must review all pertinent bid documents (e.g., RFQ, draft Project Scope, Appendices, Addenda, etc.). Ensure that current documents are used.  Evaluation group should attempt to reach consensus. If consensus cannot be reached, a vote may be taken. 20

21  Designated review areas will be established.  Documents and notes must be strictly controlled.  A numbered copy of the involved document will be assigned.  Discussions concerning confidential items only with those agree to confidentiality 21

22  Individual Review  Reference Verifications  Scoring and Documentation

23  Teams Evaluated Against each other  Highest evaluated team receives maximum points for evaluation criteria  Lesser teams receive scores in relation to the highest ranked team  Consensus Scoring preferred Limited Number of pages: 8 ½”X11” Approximately 9 week process – RFQ to Announcement (6week prep / 3week evaluation) 23

24  Change which provides a solution that is equal to or better than what is required by the scope as determined by the Department.  Shortlisted potential DBTs only.  Allows for innovation, increased flexibility, time reductions and cost savings to ultimately obtain the best value for the public. 24

25  Not intended to replace prebid questions  No new Design Exceptions  No additional R/W acquisition  No modifications to the IMS  No NEPA Impacts  Pre-ATC meetings  If held, non-binding and for information only 25

26  Core group of ATC evaluators assisted by any number of technical specialists.  Responses:  Approve  Approve with conditions  Reject  Reject, may resubmit  Not an ATC (should be a prebid) 26

27  If, during evaluation of an ATC proposal, the Department becomes aware of a deficiency in the Project Scope that would have an impact on the ability of the DBTs to make a best offer, the Department may, at its discretion, issue an addenda to correct this deficiency.  For example - conflicts between sections in the scope. 27

28  Ultimate Result:  Contractor Specific final Scope of Services  Inclusion within the Price  Potential for winning bidder to incorporate via change order  Approximately 10weeks from Shortlist to Final ATC response. Price approx 5weeks later.  15Weeks from Shortlist to Sale

29  After award, all information (with the exception of true trade secrets) will be made public.  This includes:  SOQs  ATCs  Scoring and Evaluation Information, include evaluators comments 29

30  Payment for Preparation of Responsive Preliminary Design Concept  Controlling Board Approval  Allows ODOT to use DBTs ideas  DBT does not have to accept Size of Stipend should equal the amount of effort requested (Policy: 1/4% - 1% of estimate) 30

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