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Chapter 11 The Italian Renaissance Civilization in the West, Seventh Edition by Kishlansky/Geary/O’Brien Copyright © 2008, Pearson Education, Inc., publishing.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 11 The Italian Renaissance Civilization in the West, Seventh Edition by Kishlansky/Geary/O’Brien Copyright © 2008, Pearson Education, Inc., publishing."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 11 The Italian Renaissance Civilization in the West, Seventh Edition by Kishlansky/Geary/O’Brien Copyright © 2008, Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Pearson Longman I.Renaissance Society II.Renaissance Art III.Renaissance Ideals IV.The Politics of the Italian City-States

2 Assignment: Wk 2 1.Kishlansky, Chapter 10 Quest (mc + 1 FRQ) Wed. 8/29 2.Read Kishlansky, Chp 11, pp. 314-344, following the outline provided in PP and reading the collaborative study guide. (due Friday, 8/31) 3.Take the 3 practice on-line quizzes at: Any questions you missed, note the issue and do a little research to understand the “right” answer. 4.Do some organized study on the Italian Renaissance: the arts. Read selected chapter of the Annotated Mona Lisa Go to and see the PPs 10-12 at 5.The Return of Martin Guerre (due Thurs. 9/6)

3 Assignment: Wks 2-3 1.Complete Viewing of Bucholz 30-min. lectures #2-4: Geography is Destiny, Culture is Destiny, Renaissance Humanism See me for and make photocopies of notes, if desired. 2.5-min. Presentation – Renaissance Art (Fri. 9/7) Choose 2 works of art (painting, sculpture, architecture and discuss how they reflect the values of the Italian Renaissance.) 3.Read Kishlansky, Chapter 12 reading collaborative study guide. (by Mon. 9/12)

4 Renaissance Art: Humanism

5 Ambrogio Lorenzetti, Good Government in the City, public palace, Siena,

6 Masaccio, The Expulsion of Adam and Eve, Brancacci Chapel, 1427

7 Masaccio: St. Peter Healing With His Shadow, Brancacci Chapel, 1427

8 Masaccio: The Holy Trinity

9 Gozzoli, Procession of the Magi, 1459-60

10 Botticelli: The Adoration of the Magi

11 Botticelli, La Primavera, 1482

12 Botticelli, The Birth of Venus, 1485

13 medieval madonna: 13 th century

14 Raphael: The Calonna Madonna, 1515

15 Donatello: David, 1440

16 Location of Donatello’s David: Medici Sculpture Garden: private art

17 Michaelangelo: David, 1501-04

18 Location of Michaelangeo’s David: Piazza della Signoria public art

19 Michaelangelo: The Sistine Chapel, 1508-12

20 Michaelangelo, Sistine Chapel, The Creation of Adam

21 Michaelangelo: Sistine Chapel, The Expulsion of Adam and Eve

22 Michaelangelo, Sistine Chapel, The Last Judgment

23 Michelangelo: Pieta (Nicodemus)

24 Saint Peter’s Basilica: Rome Michelangelo (dome) and Bernini (piazza)

25 Leonardo: The Last Supper, 1495-98

26 Leonardo: Mona Lisa, 1503-06

27 Palladio: Villa Rotunda

28 University of Virginia: “neoclassical,” “Greek Revival”

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