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Categories for resolution study Categories : eta, energy, number of primary vertices, conversion should be considered Eta : barrel – endcap ? or 4 bins.

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Presentation on theme: "Categories for resolution study Categories : eta, energy, number of primary vertices, conversion should be considered Eta : barrel – endcap ? or 4 bins."— Presentation transcript:

1 Categories for resolution study Categories : eta, energy, number of primary vertices, conversion should be considered Eta : barrel – endcap ? or 4 bins like [0, 0.6], [0.6, 1.37], [1.52, 1.81], [1.81, 2.37] ? Energy : how to define the energy bins ?

2 Fraction of eta division Leading [0, 0.6 ] Leading [0.6, 1.37] Leading [1.52, 1.81] Leading [1.81, 2.37] subleading [0, 0.6 ] 16.36%16.74%3.17%2.51% subleading [0.6, 1.37 ] 17.61%16.00%3.07%3.85% subleading [1.52, 1.81 ] 3.27%3.42%1.04%1.54% subleading [1.81, 2.37 ] 3.31%4.44%1.32%2.23% Di-photon, tagging as leading and sub-leading Leading In barrel Leading In endcap Subleading in barrel 66.71%12.60% Subleading In endcap 14.44%6.13% If upper limit of the new MC is around 1,000,000. barrel – endcap division might be a better choice Also, do we need to tag two photons as leading and subleading in eta category ? 4 eta bins -- [0, 0.6], [0.6, 1.37], [1.52, 1.81], [1.81, 2.37] barrel / endcap

3 conversion possibility in each eta bin [0, 0.6][0.6, 1.37][1.52, 1.81][1.81,2.37] Unconverted76.75%62.52%53.08%51.89% converted23.25%37.48%46.92%48.11% Leading photon : subleading photon : [0, 0.6][0.6, 1.37][1.52, 1.81][1.81,2.37] Unconverted75.68%63.87%52.11%51.29% converted24.32%36.13%47.89%48.71% Conversion for leading and subleading photon are more or less the same

4 Glance on the resolution at different categories

5 Resolution parameter comparison categorized by eta CBsigmaCBmeanCBalphaCBfracCBnGAmeanGAsigma B + B *1.429119.91.2320.96849.847121.14.107 B + E1.483119.71.2830.77734.138119.33.88 E + B1.435119.71.0670.83998.661120.44.411 E + E1.321119.70.96870.677550.0119.84.51 B + B means: leading photon in barrel and subleading photon in barrel CBsigmaCBmeanCBalphaCBfracCBnGAmeanGAsigma B + B *1.651119.91.3350.963111.25121.84.36 B + E1.88119.72.4650.732.723119.14.059 E + B1.957119.61.4410.865618.07120.44.861 E + E1.998119.51.6080.73940.93120.44.651 Without smearing : With smearing :

6 Resolution parameter comparison categorized by E (1) High E : E of leading Photon > 68 GeV, E of subleading Photon > 68 GeV Low E : E of leading Photon < 68 GeV, E of subleading Photon < 68 GeV smeared High E low E both of the two photons are in barrel

7 Resolution parameter comparison categorized by E (2) both of the two photons are in barrel and unconverted High E low E smeared High E : E of leading Photon > 68 GeV, E of subleading Photon > 68 GeV Low E : E of leading Photon < 68 GeV, E of subleading Photon < 68 GeV

8 next 1. Decide the categories of eta and energy ; 2. Any other category should be considered ? 3. Estimate the size of new MC asap

9 Back up

10 Resolution parameter comparison categorized by eta (2) Endcap + endcap is not precise enough smeared

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