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Strategies for Successful Presentations

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Presentation on theme: "Strategies for Successful Presentations"— Presentation transcript:

1 Strategies for Successful Presentations
Amy Fix, Siemens PLM Software


3 Why we’re here…

4 Key Points Knowing your audience Organizing the flow Making an impact
Using visual aids effectively Tips for successful delivery Mastering the Q&A

5 Knowing your audience

6 Who are they? Auditee – staff and management
Senior or Executive Management Audit Committee External auditors Regulatory auditors Peers within Internal Audit

7 Customization Background Changes in the group’s membership Emotions
Attitudes Size of the group

8 Background Status Knowledge Experience What do they know about
the topic? Knowledge Are they your peers, subordinates or superiors? Status What experience do they bring From current & prior positions? Experience

9 Example You’ve just finished an audit of your company’s Travel & Entertainment processes. Notable exceptions from your testing include: Trips reimbursed with missing receipts. Trips reimbursed without proper approval. Violations of Travel Policy – business class airfare. How would your presentation vary if your audience was the auditee management vs. the executive team (CEO, CFO, President)?

10 Example Closing Meeting Executive Update

11 Possible Solution Closing Meeting Executive Update
Specifics of findings (# of errors, amounts, etc…) Detail of proposed recommendations (i.e. who will do what/when/how) Why problem occurred/how recommendation will remediate. High level circumstances (i.e. overall financial impact, total exceptions, etc…) Pattern of exceptions (i.e. all from specific area) Corrective actions taken by management to remediate the problem.

12 Organizing the FLOW

13 Theme Statement Broad Topic Narrow Topic Audience Purpose Intro
Key Point Intro Closing Narrow Topic Audience Purpose

14 Example Continuing with the example of the Travel & Entertainment audit, management has decided to implement your recommendation for a quarterly self-audit of T&E reports. To ensure that all SOX key controls are covered, management would like to use your test template from the recent audit. The Accounts Payable Manager has asked you to do a short presentation at the next staff meeting to review the template and test objectives. Using the theme statement formula, develop a theme statement for your presentation.

15 Example Topic Narrow Topic Purpose Audience

16 Possible Solution Topic Self-audit of trip reports Narrow Topic Use of the key control test template Purpose Understand the tests of T&E key controls Audience Accounts Payable SOX testers “This presentation will teach the SOX testers the steps performed to test T&E reports for compliance with key controls.”

17 Other Considerations Introduction Closing Key Point I C Theme
Statement I KP C Closing Introduction Key Point

18 Making an impact

19 Speak vs. Read Develop your presentation as spoken word.
Use shorter sentences Use simple words Use catchy words and phrases Use related ideas to draw attention to them

20 Example Consider this recommendation from a recent audit report. How could this recommendation be simplified for a presentation to management?  Recommendation: HR should strengthen the security around the files transferred between the company and the third party payroll provider. If an automated, direct interface cannot be implemented between SAP HR and the third party payroll provider, we recommend that HR implement the use of encrypted .

21 Example Recommendation: HR should strengthen the security around the files transferred between the company and the third party payroll provider. If an automated, direct interface cannot be implemented between SAP HR and the third party payroll provider, we recommend that HR implement the use of encrypted . Instead of… Try…

22 Possible Solution Recommendation: HR should strengthen the security around the files transferred between the company and the third party payroll provider. If an automated, direct interface cannot be implemented between SAP HR and the third party payroll provider, we recommend that HR implement the use of encrypted . Instead of… Try… Strengthen Improve Security around the files transferred… File transfer controls Automated, direct interface Direct interface

23 Using Visual aids effectively

24 A picture is worth…. Words WORDS

25 Finding the right graphic
If you want to visualize… Try a… Changes & differences Bar Chart or Line Chart Proportions & relationships Pie Chart Schedules Gantt Chart Process or activity Flow Chart Try clip art files or PPT SmartArt to create images that fit your message.

26 Example You’re responsible for preparing slides for the quarterly Executive Update. How can you use these graphics to reinforce your message? Graphic Purpose Bar Chart Line Graph Pie Chart Gantt Chart

27 Possible Solution You’re responsible for preparing slides for the quarterly Executive Update. How can you use these graphics to reinforce your message? Graphic Purpose Bar Chart Compare the outstanding recommendations by zone/country/department. Line Graph Show the increase/decrease in recommendations for the quarter/zone/country/department. Pie Chart Show recommendations by status/rating. Gantt Chart Show next quarter’s audit schedule.

28 Example This bar graph is used to illustrate the breakdown of open corrective actions by zone and by the implementation status.

29 When are these mediums most effective?
Other Considerations When are these mediums most effective?

30 Successful Delivery

31 Practice makes perfect!
Revise Reorganize Increased comfort Body language Coordinate visual aids

32 Mastering the q&a

33 Maintain Control Anticipate the possible questions Use facts/details
Maintain eye contact Use names if possible Don’t let one person dominate Don’t speculate

34 Conclusion

35 Putting it together Theme Delivery Visual Aids Audience Impact Q&A

36 Questions?

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