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12 June 2015 Commission’s Invasive Alien Species Working Group.

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1 12 June 2015 Commission’s Invasive Alien Species Working Group

2 Our vision - A world where animals are respected and protected Our approach Our work connects animal welfare and conservation, demonstrating that healthy populations, naturally sustaining habitats and the welfare of individual animals are intertwined. We use our hands-on projects on the ground to inform and influence policy.

3 In our decision-making, IFAW takes into account animal welfare (intrinsic value and quality of life), conservation principles of sustainability, sound science and ethics. We are sensitive to the needs of communities and work for solutions that benefit both animals and people. Animal welfareAnimal use Animal rights Animal organisation spectrum IFAWPETASCI

4 Major programme areas Animal rescueFighting wildlife traffickingProtecting elephants Defending whalesEducationHelping cats & dogs

5 Where we work 15 country offices with projects in over 40 countries Habitat protection, anti-poaching & community development in Kenya, Malawi, China and India Demand reduction work in China, South Africa, Kenya, Germany, Netherlands, UK, US Anti-poaching trainings in Africa and South Asia Enforcement training (protocols on handling confiscated animals) in Africa, Middle East, China, Russia, Central Asia & wider Caribbean region Animal rescue (disaster relief, confiscation rehoming) Education – 90 countries reached by education curricula, next on wildlife trade w/ reference to exotic pets and invasive risks

6 Experience in field of IAS Our expert - Staci McLennan, Wildlife Political Officer Served on Commission IAS working groups in 2010-11 #1 Prevention, #3 Management Observer to Bern Convention IAS Expert Mtg & contribute to codes of conduct (pets, zoos, hunting) Malta 2011, Sardinia 2013, Slovenia 2015 Lobby w/ NGO coalition on adoption of EU IAS Reg Emphasis on prevention & animal welfare for management IFAW as NGO Observer at Conventions – CBD, CMS, CITES

7 IFAW’s view on IAS: Precautionary Approach - IAS detected after considerable lag time with impact being cumulative and complex. Prioritizing precaution, prevention, early detection, ecological sustainability, public awareness and the ethical treatment of animals. Appropriate strategies must be chosen on a case-by-case basis, but prevention measures are recognized as the most cost-effective and ethically responsible.

8 Areas of work for IFAW contribution: 1) Awareness raising: publications, website, lobby materials, Animal Education (focus on wildlife trade for next cycle) 2) Pathways = Prevention: consult with offices and other NGOs on pet trade species not established to identify for listing 3) Animal welfare considerations: consult our veterinary experts on methodologies

9 Issues to work on: Transparency - How are RAs being reviewed, rejected or accepted?; mechanism to keep RAs with data deficiencies for future updates; Prevention - horizon scanning & listing of species proactively Utilise existing codes of conduct (e.g. Bern Convention) to help on key areas & awareness raising

10 Questions? Thank you!

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