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Erasmus Romania 17-23 october 2015 Solar panels and insulation.

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Presentation on theme: "Erasmus Romania 17-23 october 2015 Solar panels and insulation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Erasmus Romania 17-23 october 2015 Solar panels and insulation

2 To save energy, we have to realize a good roof insulation and to use solar and photovoltaic panels which produce green energy. Energetic saving

3 To insulate a roof we can use different systems An airy roof with insulating boards

4 An Airy Roof with Rockwool

5 Insulated terraced roof

6 Working steps

7 The Insulation of a tiled roof

8 Energia pulita, in abbondante quantità, prodotta in modo sostenibile e che comporta un risparmio energetico non indifferente. Un settore produttivo che in Italia fattura 35 miliardi di euro l’anno, corrispondenti al 2% del PIL nazionale. A lot of clean energy is produced in a sustainable way and with a considerable energy saving. In Italy this productive sector invoices 25 billions euros every year that is the 2% of the national GDP Solar and photovoltaic panels

9 Sketchy table of the radiation in Italy

10 There are different types of solar and photovoltaic panels

11 Solar panels


13 The principle of working is the photovoltaic cell The photovoltaic cells can turn directly the solar radiation into electric power, using the so-called “photovoltaic effect” that is based on the property of some specially treated conductor materials (such as silicon, a very common element in nature); in addition they can generate electric energy when they are hit by solar energy. When exposed to the solar radiation, a photovoltaic cell produces current that depends on the intensity, on the temperature and on the surface of the solar radiation. What a photovoltaic system is and how it works

14 A solar panel outline

15 How a photovoltaic system works

16 The fitting

17 Tile – shaped photovoltaic panels

18 Flexible photovoltaic panels

19 Types of photovoltaic cells: 1) mono-crystal cells, 2) multi-crystal cells, 3) amorphous cells Types of photovoltaic cells

20 These panels are based on an easy principle (a termic effect) that is hot water is lighter than cold water, so it “naturally” rises and goes towards the tank easily, without the help of any pump. Termic Solar panels

21 Termic solar panels to produce hot water

22 The outline

23 How it is made

24 Working system of the solar panels

25 Made by students class 4asa – 5asa Translated by Alice and Giulia 3al

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