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August 20, 2008 Clinical and Translational Science Awards (CTSA) CTSA Evaluation Approach Institute for Clinical & Translational Research (ICTR)

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Presentation on theme: "August 20, 2008 Clinical and Translational Science Awards (CTSA) CTSA Evaluation Approach Institute for Clinical & Translational Research (ICTR)"— Presentation transcript:

1 August 20, 2008 Clinical and Translational Science Awards (CTSA) CTSA Evaluation Approach Institute for Clinical & Translational Research (ICTR) University of Wisconsin, Madison (UW-Madison) Marshfield Clinic Research Foundation (MCRF) This document is confidential and is intended solely for the use and information of the client to whom it is addressed.

2 1 Institute’s Resources and Organization for Evaluation  Evaluation Team organizationally located in the ICTR Administrative Core and ICTR Client Services Center (ICSC)  D. Paul Moberg, PhD, Assistant Director, Tracking & Evaluation, ICTR/Madison (18% time)  Jan Hogle, PhD, Evaluation Researcher, ICTR/Madison (100% time)  Jennifer Bufford, Evaluation Coordinator, ICTR/Marshfield (30% time)  To be hired: Evaluation Research Specialist, ICTR/Madison (100% time)  This is a reduction from the proposed 3.35 FTE, corresponding to NIH budget constraints

3 2 Overview of UW-ICTR’s Evaluation Goals  Collaborate with national and local stakeholders to –conduct self-evaluation of ICTR –track trainees and activities  Incorporate an approach that is –utilization-focused (intended uses by intended users) – logic model –participatory (ICTR stakeholders; Evaluation Working Group) –methodologically flexible (quan/qual; not doing experimental design)  Apply the evaluation process and findings to –priority-setting –program accountability –continuous quality improvement efforts

4 3 Objectives of ICTR Evaluation In order to achieve the goals, ICTR Evaluation:  Develops and implements ICTR’s cross-component evaluation plan and provide support for managing and analyzing central ICTR databases.  Provides evaluation consultation services to ICTR’s 25+ components, as well as to collaborating institutions, as time and funding allow.  Interfaces with national CTSA evaluation activities; participate in CTSA Consortium sponsored collaboration.

5 4 Approach to CTSA Evaluation matches CDC’s Framework for Program Evaluation in Public Health. MMWR 1999;48(No. RR-11)

6 5  Partially staffed Evaluation Office (current budget issues)  Obtained stakeholder input, develop consensus on roles, responsibilities (Evaluation Working Group)  Developed common understandings of each component’s goals & objectives via meetings on Component Tracking Tables  Developed definitions for evaluation-related terms and other concepts for ICTR-wide use ICTR Evaluation Office Year 1 Activities: the proposal said… and we accomplished (1):

7 6 ICTR Evaluation Office Year 1 Activities: the proposal said… and we accomplished (2):  Developed central ICTR databases & tracking systems collaboratively with IT resources & ICTR components (Member DB; Request for Consult DBs; DBs for Investigators, Pubs, Grants; APR data tracking system; Resource Tracking Systems in individual components)  Interpreted APR requirements; set data collection mechanisms and trouble-shooting systems in place collaboratively with ICTR Administration  Began to refine/prioritize/develop cross-component evaluation plans – “what would a successful institute look like”

8 7 ICTR Evaluation Office Year 1 Activities: additional accomplishments (3):  Assisted with creation and evaluation plan design for the ICTR Client Services Center (ICSC)  Collaboratively developed guidelines for Case Studies Collection (qualitative descriptive summaries) to tell the story of translational research at UW-Madison and Marshfield (MCRF)  Co-led development of Resource Tracking System (RTS) with Biostatistics & Bioinformatics Core (BBI) and other ICTR components

9 8 ICTR Evaluation Office Year 1 Activities: additional accomplishments (4):  Participated in Nat’l CTSA Consortium calls, Evaluation Steering Committee mtg, Wiki, Working Groups  Collaborated with ICTR Admin on refinements to Member Database  Began planning for Annual Member Survey and Key Informant Interviews (analysis in progress)  Collaborating with Marshfield on tracking & evaluation coordination

10 9 Summary of Evaluation Metrics (1) Long term:  Improvement in key health indicators [SHOW – Survey of the Health of Wisconsin] Medium term:  “Silo removal” so that multidisciplinary & translational approach becomes the norm for health sciences research  Cadre of researchers reflects more closely the gender, racial & ethnic diversity of the US population Short term:  Reduction in time from IRB submission to approval  Reduction in number of IRB deferrals and modifications  Reduction in number of protocols withdrawn by the IRB for quality issues  Increase in satisfaction of users and of IRB staff and committee members

11 10 Summary of Evaluation Metrics (2) Short term (cont’d):  # and types of Members in the Web Portal Member Database (800+ members)  # and descriptors of investigators/mentors/scholars reported via APR whose research has benefited significantly from CTSA resources (n=300+)  # publications based on research that benefits from CTSA/ICTR resources, annually  # and $ grants representing research that benefits significantly from ICTR resources, annually  # and $ of pilot grants awarded annually (2 rounds awarded in April & June 2008)  % of grants obtained, based on research that benefits, which are Type 2 translational  Feedback from ICTR members on services provided via Annual Member Survey  Qualitative assessments: Key Informant Interviews, Case Studies Collection, ICTR Client Services Center  Database analysis: Members, Request for Consults, Resource Tracking Systems

12 11 ICTR Evaluation: Year 2 Proposed Work Plan: 1  Evaluation Working Group – developing cross-component metrics  Operationalize measures & develop strategies for evaluating ICTR goals and specific aims  Implement Annual Member Survey preceded by key informant interviews  Begin to assemble Case Studies Collection  Collect and report on user feedback from ICTR “front door” and Web Portal  Continue to refine Resource Tracking System(s)

13 12 ICTR Evaluation : Year 2 Proposed Work Plan: 2  Assist with analysis of ICTR databases (Member, Consult, Grants, Pubs)  Continue to assist components with internal evaluation tasks  Participate in evaluation of ICTR Client Services Center (ICSC)  Participate in CTSA Consortium Working Groups & Steering Committee  Continue to support Annual Progress Reporting with Wiki-based data collection system

14 13 Institution Evaluation Challenges and/or Questions  Operationalizing & prioritizing measures & indicators  Evaluation Office staffing and funding for evaluative studies--prioritize  Size and complexity of ICTR  Lack of consensus on database development: purpose, process, organization, and use: database development forces structural development; multiple & varied needs of 25+ components  Defining and tracking how “research” has “benefited significantly” from CTSA “resources” for the APR  Adapting evaluation plans to fit emerging realities.

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