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11/15/11 - L16 Professional TalksCopyright 2011 - Joanne DeGroat, ECE, OSU1 Professional Talks.

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Presentation on theme: "11/15/11 - L16 Professional TalksCopyright 2011 - Joanne DeGroat, ECE, OSU1 Professional Talks."— Presentation transcript:

1 11/15/11 - L16 Professional TalksCopyright 2011 - Joanne DeGroat, ECE, OSU1 Professional Talks

2 11/15/11 - L16 Professional Talks Copyright 2011 - Joanne DeGroat, ECE, OSU2 Overview  Professional Talks Background Structure the talk  Start with an outline  Use of pictures, animation, etc. Presentation Framework

3 Background  As an engineer you will have many (very many) opportunities to make professional presentation.  Topic – typically the presentation will be to report on work that you have done or at the start of work you are about to propose or accomplish.  Professional presentations always have a focus. 11/15/11 - L16 Professional Talks Copyright 2011 - Joanne DeGroat, ECE, OSU3

4 The focus  In preparing the talk be sure the focus is well defined and clear in your mind.  The points you emphasize when reporting on work accomplished differs from work you are proposing.\  Work accomplished The problem and its scope Your implemented solution to the problem The success of your implementation 11/15/11 - L16 Professional Talks Copyright 2011 - Joanne DeGroat, ECE, OSU4

5 Porposed work  When giving a presentation on a proposal the focus is partially the same, but you have not yet solved the problem. The problem and its scope Limitations of possible solution Outline of a proposed solution to the problem The manhours/manpower needed to accomplish the work. The specific tasks to be done to achieve the solution. A Gantt Chart of the timeline of the work The cost of the proposed solution (and possible contrast to alternative solutions) 11/15/11 - L16 Professional Talks Copyright 2011 - Joanne DeGroat, ECE, OSU5

6 The style of the presentation  Structure of the talk Title slide (slide 1)  TITLE  Group name & membership  Company Logo Outline slide  The points that you will be talking to 1 st talking slide 11/15/11 - L16 Professional Talks Copyright 2011 - Joanne DeGroat, ECE, OSU6

7 1 st talking slide  If the person starting the presentation is the one who presents the first point no transition is needed.  For a transition – emphasize the topic of the first point and that it will be presented by xxxx (say name). 11/15/11 - L16 Professional Talks Copyright 2011 - Joanne DeGroat, ECE, OSU7

8 2 nd point of talk  For transition to second point of presentation Put up outline slide again – only this time highlight the 2 nd point 1 st point speaker says something to the effect of “the presentation will continue with discussion of ‘2 nd point’ and it will be presented by 2 nd -name.  Continue this way to last speaker asks for questions. Ask for questions even if there are questions during the presentation. 11/15/11 - L16 Professional Talks Copyright 2011 - Joanne DeGroat, ECE, OSU8

9 General Guidelines for slides  Done not speak the slides (do speak the outline point at the start)  The slides are just a guide (both for you and the listener)  You do not want to speak the slides (i.e., slides have the full text of what you are going to say) – Then the audience is reading the slide and not listening to you.   Do not make slides too busy. Same reason – audience analyzes figure and is not giving speaker full attention. 11/15/11 - L16 Professional Talks Copyright 2011 - Joanne DeGroat, ECE, OSU9

10 During the presentation  Speak clearly and look at audience  Scan audience  Practice and avoid the aahs and oohs that are injected to take up perceived dead space. Dead space is natural in speaking. A good exercise – record yourself doing a 3 minute presentation. Watch it, watch it, watch it. Intentionally put in pauses in which you are totally silent to emphasize a point. 11/15/11 - L16 Professional Talks Copyright 2011 - Joanne DeGroat, ECE, OSU10

11 References  Text have minimal coverage on giving talks.  There is lots of material out there.  People make a living giving seminars on making professional presentations. 11/15/11 - L16 Professional Talks Copyright 2011 - Joanne DeGroat, ECE, OSU11

12 From “Writing as an Engineer”  Chapter 8 Preparing  Analyze your audience  Decide on your primary purpose  Determine your time frame  Control you material You cannot present all the minute detail  Prepare and outline and notes  Create Graphics  Prepare Introduction and Conclusion  Practice, practice, practice  Read Chapter 8 11/15/11 - L16 Professional Talks Copyright 2011 - Joanne DeGroat, ECE, OSU12

13 Pocket book of Technical Writing  Much the same.  Chapter 17 – pages 305-321 11/15/11 - L16 Professional Talks Copyright 2011 - Joanne DeGroat, ECE, OSU13

14 To be a better presenter  Practice, practice, practice RECORD the practice and then watch it!!  Do in real life, do in real life, do in real life  Consider joining toastmaster or similar organization. 11/15/11 - L16 Professional Talks Copyright 2011 - Joanne DeGroat, ECE, OSU14

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