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Amelia N..  Glacier Bay became an official national park, in 1925. It became a national park, to protect a number of tide water glaciers.

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Presentation on theme: "Amelia N..  Glacier Bay became an official national park, in 1925. It became a national park, to protect a number of tide water glaciers."— Presentation transcript:

1 Amelia N.

2  Glacier Bay became an official national park, in 1925. It became a national park, to protect a number of tide water glaciers.

3  Glacier Bay was formed by glaciers descending from high snow capped mountains into the bay creating spectacular displays of ice and iceberg formation.

4 Types of Rocks  The types of rocks you can find inside Glacier Bay, are Igneous Rock, and Silicate Rock.

5 Landforms and Features  Some special landforms at Glacier Bay, are lakes, forests, and mountains.

6 How land is Changing  All of the ice is melting, which is effecting all of the animals.

7 Environmental Issues  The only issues are that the water from the lake is rising, and the ice is melting.

8 How Technology is Used  There is really no kind of technology used at Glacier Bay. Visitors just like seeing the park.

9 Map of the Park

10 Pictures

11 Bibliography  I got my information from   I also got other information from   I got my pictures from google images 

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