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Logistics Initiatives

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1 Logistics Initiatives
Future Joint Logistics Initiatives …a USMC View BGen Willie J. Williams, USMC HQMC/LF 19 May 2004


3 SEA POWER 21 Sea Shield Sea Strike FORCEnet Sea Basing

4 Not the Marine Corps View of Sea-Basing


6 OSD/OFT Strategic Appraisal
Sense & Respond Logistics (S&RL) Knowledge-based, demand driven Point-of-effect through source of support “Big bet” to transform warfighting capability Broad conclusions: three themes Extend “jointness” through the tactical level Increase upstream prototyping and experimentation Broaden knowledge/capabilities base within DoD Emerging disciplines Changing skill sets Industrial and knowledge base implications

7 Strategic Planning Guidance
Distributed, Adaptive Logistics Capability “By 30 September 2004, USD (AT&L) will reconcile the ‘Sense and Respond Logistics’ (S&RL) concept, Force-Centric Logistics Enterprise, and Focused Logistics into a coherent logistics transformation strategy. In addition, USD (AT&L), in coordination with CJCS, Commander USJFCOM and Commander USTRANSCOM, will initiate a joint effort to integrate logistics from point-of-effect to source of supply/services, across Services and Defense Agencies. In addition, the next iteration of Joint and Service Transformation Roadmaps will include plans to evolve to this integrated logistics transformation strategy and address concept, process, metrics and experimentation.”

8 “Sense and Respond” Key Ideas
Demand can be unpredictable, so success depends on speed of pattern recognition and speed of response The best supply chain is no longer one that is highly optimized, but one that is highly flexible Organizes Units and subunits into “modular capabilities” that negotiate with one another over commitments Networks “self-synchronize” via a common environment and set of shared objectives Uses IT for data sharing, “knowing earlier,” commitment tracking, and role reconfiguration

9 Sense & Respond Logistics Initiative…
On the Sense & Respond Logistics Initiative… “The benefit of supporting S&RL is that it brings to the Marine Corps an experiment to stress the transformational war fighting concept of Expeditionary Maneuver from the Sea-Base. The goal is to have operations, logistics, & intelligence all working together, leveraged by available information. The stretch goal is to have logistics solutions that can be integrated into situational awareness supporting common operating pictures – Service, Naval, and Joint.” -- DC, I&L to CMC, Nov 2003


11 Common Intermodal Packaging
Advanced intermodal modular packaging techniques will improve handling and reduce retrograde, waste, and storage requirements.


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