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The Rest of the Story... William F. Decker, Program Director Advanced Network Infrastructure NSF CISE/ANIR Mailto: Web:

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Presentation on theme: "The Rest of the Story... William F. Decker, Program Director Advanced Network Infrastructure NSF CISE/ANIR Mailto: Web:"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Rest of the Story... William F. Decker, Program Director Advanced Network Infrastructure NSF CISE/ANIR Mailto: Web:

2 2 Synergy! Program Awards Results

3 3 Reasons to be Watchful zGovernment Performance Results Act (GPRA): zCongressional expectations zPITAC/NGI expectations zConstituent expectations zNetwork research zPopulism/elitism zInfrastructure/research zCultures

4 4 Reasons to be Optimistic z Supportive partnerships z Public trust; bipartisan support z NSF leadership z PITAC and IT 2 z Community track record z Current status of the program

5 5 What Do We Know? zSome knowns: yTwo backbones yNumbers of awards yInternational connections yCampus connections plans ySome performance information yPlanned applications z Some unknowns: yLong-term connections plans yStatus of campus engineering plans; delivery to researchers yPerformance results yApplications results and measures yvPI plans

6 6 High Performance Connections Awards (as of 4/12/99) -- 154 Sites 1,0 2,2 (DC) Non-EPSCoR EPSCoR 2,1 2,2 18,17 1,0 3,0 2,1 1,0 2,1 3,2 2,1 2,2 7,5 2,2 1,1 2,2 1,1 2,2 3,1 2,0 2,2 5,5 1,0 5,4 3,3 3,1 8,5 4,3 2,2 6,5 2,1 3,3 1,1 5,5 8,7 4,3 1,1 7,7 1,0 2,2 1,0 5,4 1,0 3,2 x,y - x sites, of which y are connected sites

7 7 Awards by Carnegie Class * 3 Medical, 1 Engineering, 4 Research Institutes, 3 Supercomputing Centers, and 2 GigaPoPs

8 8 STAR TAP – Global View

9 9 Traffic Characteristics: vBNS vs. Commodity Internet Games NNTP ssh shell/cmd DNS SMTP FTP Web Multicast Other

10 10 Performance Issues zActive Measurement Project: PC-based machines in ~50 campus research LANs z“Upper bound” results based on UDP: about 80Mbps with east/west endpoints on 100Mbps LANs zOff-the-shelf TCP performs poorly: about 6Mbps with east/west endpoints on 100Mbps LANs zCampus engineering, endpoint device tuning or engineering, and applications engineering still need lots of work!

11 11 HPC Proposals: Meritorious Research Applications by “Directorate” z90/150 HPC proposals analyzed (to date); 557 meritorious applications cited: yMathematical & Physical Sciences (MPS) - 31% yComputer & Information Sciences & Engineering (CISE) - 18% yGeosciences (GEO) - 13% yEngineering (ENG) - 11% yHealth Sciences (HS) - 10% yBiological Sciences (BIO) - 7% yOther (Business, Libraries, Fine Arts, Humanities) - 7% yEducation (EHR) - 3% ySociological, Behavioral, Economic Sciences (SBE) - <1%

12 12 HPC Proposals: Meritorious Research Applications “Features” zData transfer - 73% zHigh-end computing - 45% zCollaboration - 39% zFederal facilities, networks, or other agency support - 37% zVisualization, imaging - 34% zMulti-media, multicasting - 28% zSimulation, modeling - 23% zInstrument access or remote device control - 19% z Data mining, databases - 17% z Education, distance learning, collaborative learning - 13% z Medical uses - 12% z Highly distributed experiments - 10% z International involvement - 7% z Networking research - 4%

13 13 What Do We Think? zSolutions for local loop problems (availability and cost) have been found in most cases zHave finally reached a critical mass of connected sites zDon’t yet have as much information about Abilene as we do about vBNS zPenetration of backbone services/functions into campus network environments has been very limited zScience-enabling performance and functionality has a ways to go; applications stories are unclear zInter-Directorate interests are growing: telescopes, digital libraries, biological instrumentation, Doppler radars

14 14 Opinions/Challenges z We need much more work at the top of the protocol stack. z Campuses need to do much more than connect. z We must not overlook the needs of network researchers.

15 15 Assessment Plans zSite Visits zPerformance Monitoring and Analysis zSurvey and Assessment zCommittee of Visitors zGPRA Report zFeedback into Planning Processes zFeedback into Budget Proposals

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