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2007-07-13Gaia1 A middleware Infrastructure to Enable Active spaces 윤혜진.

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Presentation on theme: "2007-07-13Gaia1 A middleware Infrastructure to Enable Active spaces 윤혜진."— Presentation transcript:

1 2007-07-13Gaia1 A middleware Infrastructure to Enable Active spaces 윤혜진

2 2007-07-13 Gaia -2-

3 2007-07-13 Gaia -3- Abstract Gaia: A middleware Infrastructure to Enable Active spaces we present an experimental middleware infrastructure called Gaia that we have used to prototype the resource management of and provide the user-oriented interfaces for such physical spaces populated with network-enabled computing resources. To limit the scope of research:: focus on physical spaces used for teaching ; classrooms, offices, and lecture room the system can help satisfy the requirements for user-centricity and mobility.

4 2007-07-13 Gaia -4- 1. Instruction Motivation 유비쿼터스 컴퓨팅 개발을 위한 소프트웨어의 부재

5 2007-07-13 Gaia -5- 1-1 prototype environment (1) Active Spaces : user 중심의 모바일 애플리케이션의 개발과 실행을 지원 필요 A requirement of Active Spaces is to support the development and execution of user-centric mobile applications Physical spaces

6 2007-07-13 Gaia -6- 1-1 prototype environment (2) Active Spaces : user 중심의 모바일 애플리케이션의 개발과 실행을 지원 필요 A requirement of Active Spaces is to support the development and execution of user-centric mobile applications

7 2007-07-13 Gaia -7- 1.1 our vision

8 2007-07-13 Gaia -8- 1.2 Our approach

9 2007-07-13 Gaia -9- Sidebar 1- Gaia OS Evolution

10 2007-07-13 Gaia -10- 3.Gaia: an Active Space System Software Infrastructure

11 2007-07-13 Gaia -11- Gaia Kernel Event Manager event distribution implementation a decoupled communication model Context Service Presence Service Space repository Context File System

12 2007-07-13 Gaia -12- 3.1 Gaia Kernel

13 2007-07-13 Gaia -13-

14 2007-07-13 Gaia -14-

15 2007-07-13 Gaia -15- 3.2 application Framework

16 2007-07-13 Gaia -16-

17 2007-07-13 Gaia -17- 4. Gaia management Tools

18 2007-07-13 Gaia -18-

19 2007-07-13 Gaia -19- 4.1 Lua: Gaia’s scripting language

20 2007-07-13 Gaia -20-

21 2007-07-13 Gaia -21- 4.2 Bootstrap

22 2007-07-13 Gaia -22- Sidebar2-Gaia OS: Extending Traditional Operating Systems to Physical Spaces

23 2007-07-13 Gaia -23-

24 2007-07-13 Gaia -24- 5. Gaia Utilization Example: The presentation Manager

25 2007-07-13 Gaia -25-

26 2007-07-13 Gaia -26- 6. Related work

27 2007-07-13 Gaia -27- 7. Conclusions, Contributions, and future work

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