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Absolute France It’s good to be the king!. Louis XIII( 1610-1643) and Richelieu Henry IV d. 1610 Henry IV d. 1610 Cardinal Richelieu- (1624-1642) Cardinal.

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Presentation on theme: "Absolute France It’s good to be the king!. Louis XIII( 1610-1643) and Richelieu Henry IV d. 1610 Henry IV d. 1610 Cardinal Richelieu- (1624-1642) Cardinal."— Presentation transcript:

1 Absolute France It’s good to be the king!

2 Louis XIII( 1610-1643) and Richelieu Henry IV d. 1610 Henry IV d. 1610 Cardinal Richelieu- (1624-1642) Cardinal Richelieu- (1624-1642) #1 Goal-France #1 #1 Goal-France #1 Parlements, Huguenots, Hapsburgs oh my! Parlements, Huguenots, Hapsburgs oh my!

3 Huguenots Intendants Intendants No City walls and No Castles No City walls and No Castles Quartered soldiers Quartered soldiers

4 Hapsburgs Brought France in the 30 Yrs. War Brought France in the 30 Yrs. War Used Propaganda Used Propaganda

5 Louis XIV: The Sun King ( 1643- 1715) Cardinal Mazarin Cardinal Mazarin Taxes and Italians Taxes and Italians Fronde: 1649-1652 Fronde: 1649-1652 1661- Louis takes power 1661- Louis takes power

6 Sun King: Absolute Rule 1661: L’etat, ce’est moi 1661: L’etat, ce’est moi Cult of Personality: propaganda Cult of Personality: propaganda Hated Paris and Hated Nobles Hated Paris and Hated Nobles 1685- Revoked the Edict of Nantes 1685- Revoked the Edict of Nantes Versailles Versailles

7 Life at Versailles 2,000 acres of grounds 12 miles of roads 27 miles of trellises 200,000 trees 210,000 flowers planted every year 80 miles of rows of trees 55 acres surface area of the Grand Canal

8 50 fountains and 620 fountain nozzles 21 miles of water conduits 3,600 cubic meters per hour: water consumed 26 acres of roof 51,210 square meters of floors 2,153 windows

9 700 rooms 67 staircases 6,000 paintings 1,500 drawings and 15,000 engravings 2,100 sculptures 5,000 items of furniture and objects d'art 150 varieties of apple and peach trees in the Vegetable Garden

10 Life at Versailles Everything is orchestrated Everything is orchestrated Humiliate and bankrupt the nobles Humiliate and bankrupt the nobles Louis is at the top Louis is at the top Creates the very thing he hates Creates the very thing he hates

11 Economy Jean-Baptiste Colbert Jean-Baptiste Colbert State controlled economy-mercantilism State controlled economy-mercantilism more exports than imports more exports than imports Increased the taille Increased the taille Maximize industry Maximize industry

12 Louis’ Wars Professional Army-250,000 strong Professional Army-250,000 strong War of Devolution-1667-1668 War of Devolution-1667-1668 –Netherlands-Triple Alliance –Treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle Dutch Wars Dutch Wars –Treaty of Dover-1670 –Invasion-1672 –William of Orange –Peace of Nijmwegen

13 What is it good for???? 9 Years War-1688-1697 9 Years War-1688-1697 –League of Augsburg –King Williams War War of Spanish Succession- 1701-1704

14 See Ya Louis Died 1715- 73 yrs. Ruling Died 1715- 73 yrs. Ruling Louis XV- 7 years old Louis XV- 7 years old

15 How Absolute was he? Manipulated the nobles Manipulated the nobles Used Intendants, Hereditary office holders, and patronage system Used Intendants, Hereditary office holders, and patronage system Could control daily life outside of Versailles Could control daily life outside of Versailles

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