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What is the purpose of Achieving the Dream?. Achieving the Dream Encourages colleges to become data-informed in decision making Encourages shared governance.

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Presentation on theme: "What is the purpose of Achieving the Dream?. Achieving the Dream Encourages colleges to become data-informed in decision making Encourages shared governance."— Presentation transcript:

1 What is the purpose of Achieving the Dream?

2 Achieving the Dream Encourages colleges to become data-informed in decision making Encourages shared governance between faculty, staff and administrators Helps close the achievement gap for historically underserved populations

3 Where do AtD College goals focus for measurement ? Goal 1: Developmental courses Goal 2: Gatekeeper courses Goal 3: Complete courses successfully Goal 4: Re-enrollment (persistence) Goal 5: Completions

4 What are TCC’s Specific AtD Goals (After reviewing the data!) 1.Persistence (Beginning 2007-08) – Fall to Spring – Fall to Fall 2.Reading (Beginning 2008-09) – Developmental Reading – College Major Reading 3.Mathematics (Beginning 2009-10) – Developmental Reading – College Major Reading

5 Whom do we target with Achieving the Dream efforts? First-time freshman


7 Age






13 What do the data tell us?





18 The Four Components What’s Wrong? (Quantitative Data) Persistence (Year 1) Developmental Reading (Year 2) Developmental Math (Year 3) Why? (Focus Group Data) Student Data Adjusting to college Balancing school and life Textbook issues Tulsa Achieves Communication issues with instructors Choosing courses Faculty and Staff Data Student attitudes and motivation Academic under- preparation Other classroom issues General policy issues Textbooks Part-time instruction What to do? Interventions & Policy Change Questions: How do we revise Current interventions to directly address common barriers? What new interventions can be implemented to address common barriers? What policy changes need to be made to Address common barriers? Assessing Impact Formative: To what extent did interventions (or policy changes) effectively address common barriers? Summative: To what extent did interventions increase persistence?

19 Where are we with our Persistence goal? Initiated an Orientation course for entering freshman – Pilot with Tulsa Achieves students – Develop with all first-time freshman Developing targeted Advisement interventions – Working with experts/advisors at all campuses

20 And… Convened a Tulsa Achieves Implementation Task force to identify and resolve implementation issues of this new scholarship program.

21 Next steps: Year 2 Priority Reading: – Work with faculty to determine which college level courses are best to take concurrently with Reading I and II. – Further research the Compass placement test scores with faculty. – In light of the removal of the student waiver option, discuss ways to accommodate these students.

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