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Misti Burmeister, MA Bringing the Stars within Reach: Making IT Stellar Through Mission-Centric Leadership nspirion.

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Presentation on theme: "Misti Burmeister, MA Bringing the Stars within Reach: Making IT Stellar Through Mission-Centric Leadership nspirion."— Presentation transcript:

1 Misti Burmeister, MA Bringing the Stars within Reach: Making IT Stellar Through Mission-Centric Leadership nspirion

2 Becoming Mission Centric Eye on the Mission Human Capital Innovation

3 Mission-Centric Leadership Drives A Sustainable Culture

4 Young, Seasoned and In-Between… The feeling that what you do matters Opportunities to grow & gain experiences Some form of acknowledgement We are more alike than we are different 1 2 3 How many of us want at least 1 of the following?

5 “Retiring The Generation Gap,” Jennifer Deal “Opportunities to advance, learn ing and development, (yes, even the older folks in NASA IT want to continue developing their skills!) respect and recognition, better quality of life.”

6 Harvard Business Review “ 61 percent of chief executives surveyed (from 44 countries) said they had trouble integrating younger employees.”

7 “ Loyalty as an expectation an organization has of its employees which doesn't work unless the organization is willing to be equally loyal.” “Retiring The Generation Gap,” Jennifer Deal

8 “About one-third of federal employees (31% at NASA) on board at the end of fiscal year 2007 became eligible to retire by 2012... leav[ing] behind critical gaps in leadership and institutional knowledge, which could adversely affect the government's ability to carry out its diverse responsibilities and missions and effectively respond to urgent national issues.” GAO and the Center for Human Capital Information

9 I Don’t Care…. “If I do, they’ll take my job!”

10 What really matters Innovative IT Solutions for NASA Strong sustainable leadership now and into the future

11 Clarifying Our Vision “I’m here to ensure our emerging leaders are fully equipped to lead the FDA.”NASA.”

12 It comes down to… What Works What Doesn’t Work

13 “People want to be personally engaged. People want to see how they fit into the big picture. People, of all ages, want to be inspired. So that’s our challenge. We call it “ Participatory exploration ” – creating a government agency that engages the American public in its mission and inspires the next generation of explorers, no matter what they want to be when they grow up.” NASA blog - Nick Skytland and Garret Fitpatrick

14 Patience and Drive

15 "I know I know nothing" Socrates

16 Linda Cureton “…The reality is that I now belong to all of THEM.”

17 Thinking Forward Not Looking Backward Effective Leaders…

18 Robert Goddard’s liquid fueled rocket ship. Great Feats of Innovation The moon landing. The international space station. The Mars Pathfinder.

19 A Call for Inspiration “Federal agencies will need to transform themselves.. Critical to the success of this transformation are the agencies’ employees – its human capital – and effective human capital management programs.” A recent report released by the GAO

20 “If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader.” John Quincy Adams

21 Inspirion LLC "Treat people as if they were what they ought to be and you help them to become what they are capable of being." Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

22 To get his students to graduation His Mission?

23 Know Your Mission Know Your Team Know Your Yourself 3 critical keys to becoming a mission- centric leader

24 Dr. Samuel Betances “What got us here Will not Get us there”

25 Shift in Thinking Question beliefs about generations Embrace mission-centric thinking and leadership Build a sustainable culture

26 “Together we learn from one another… To give to each other… What needs we require… To continue to learn together.” Mike McKinley A Team Focused on the Mission

27 410.290.1240

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