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Analytical methods Houdková Chocholáčová. Analytical methods צ Absolute analytical methods (direct evaluation of the analytical signals with regard to.

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1 Analytical methods Houdková Chocholáčová

2 Analytical methods צ Absolute analytical methods (direct evaluation of the analytical signals with regard to the analyte concentration) צ Relative analytical methods (which use calibration function, sample standards are obligatory) ﮏ Gravimetry ﮏ Volumetry (titration methods) ﮏ Instrumental methods – CZE – GC

3 Electromigration methods use motion of ionized particle in the electrical field velocity motion is directly proportional to their charge and size

4 Main variants of the electromigration methods Capillary Zone Electrophoresis (CZE) Capillary Gel Electrophoresis (CGE) Micellar Electrokinetic Capillary Chromatography (MECC) Capillary Electrochromatography (CE) Capillary Isoelectric Focusing (CIEF) Capillary Isotachophoresis (CITP)

5 CZE CZE separation and determination of cations, anions and components without charge INSTRUMENTATION אCapillary אSource: 20 – 30 kV אPlatinum electrodes אVials with buffer solutions אDetectors אTime (such 10 minutes) אElectroforetogram

6 Capillary ک size: 60 cm x 75 µm ک silica capillary covered by polyamide ک the whole capillary contains 10 µl, sampling volume is 10 nl ک various variant of sampling (hydrodynamic, electrokinetic)

7 Principle of CZE ﯼ method for separation and determination of cations, anions and so components without charge on the basis of diferent electrophoretic movement ﯼ sample at start → insert electrical field → components A,B are moving with diferent constant speed towards to electrode → origin zone ﯼ to origin electroosmotic flow (EOF) and his impact on separation and shape peaks

8 Application ﺏ determination of dye at foodstuff ﺏ monitoring composition of foodstuff during the production and storage ﺏ pollution ﺏ analyse of DNA (genetic engineering) ﺏ and so, and so, and so …

9 Reference Ж website Ж Analytická chemie, Lumír Sommer (textbook) Ж laboratory from ISA

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