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Training and Tutoring of Professionals in Nuclear Safety, Nuclear Security and Radiation Protection Didier LOUVAT Managing Director

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1 Training and Tutoring of Professionals in Nuclear Safety, Nuclear Security and Radiation Protection Didier LOUVAT Managing Director

2 2 July 2012 Non-formal education in Nuclear Safety Construction of an expertise Non formal knowledge Practical experience and specific training Culture “the mindset of nuclear safety” Control from Technical Safety Organizations Trainers need to be recognized experts from TSOs Tends to harmonize nuclear safety and security practices Favors networking of nuclear safety and security experts

3 3 July 2012 ENSTTI basics An initiative of European Technical Safety Organizations to optimize the training of their professionals Vocational training and tutoring on assessment in nuclear safety, nuclear security and radiation protection. Calls on European TSOs’ expertise to maximize the transmission of knowledge, practical experience and culture Open to Nuclear Safety and Security communities

4 4 July 2012 ENSTTI Curriculum Induction to Nuclear Safety A course to approach the technical and cultural bases of nuclear safety, nuclear security and radiation protection for recently assigned professionals in nuclear safety Tutoring Tutoring periods customized to each applicant’s future work that may combine several technical fields. Personalized support continued through regular contacts with TSOs ’experts once the trainee returns to work Course for Specialist In-depth briefing on a particular field, covering topics in which TSOs have a unique experience A way to improve and harmonize practices and strengthen experts 'network

5 5 July 2012 Induction to Nuclear Safety Programme 1. Fundamental of PWR technology-reactor core and fuel1.5 days 2. Nuclear safety and radiation protection principles0.5 day 3. Fundamental of Reactor technology-circuits2 days 4. PWR Materials, equipment management1 day 5. Nuclear security and non-proliferation1 day 6. Application of safety and radiation protection principles2 days 7. Accidents and nuclear events analysis3.5 days 8. Design and safety options of new generation of reactors1.5 days 9. Nuclear fuel cycle2 days 10. Radiation protection of people and environment Emergency preparedness and response2 days +Technical visits: NPP– Nuclear Fuel Cycle facility – RR3 days

6 6 July 2012 Specialist courses developed Decommissioning NPP Decommissioning RR Nuclear Fuel Cycle Safety Nuclear Reactor Safety Waste Disposal Safety Nuclear Security Safety Assessment Application of Transport Regulations Synergy Safety/Security Emergency Preparedness: source- term estimation Criticality Safety and Thermal- hydraulics Safety Management for Regulators Ageing and Mechanical Analysis Radiation Protection and Confinement Systems I&C and Electric Systems Human and Organizational Factors Site Evaluation Fire Protection Operating Experience Evaluation

7 7 July 2012 Training Plan 201220132014 1 st quarter Safety Assessment I Safety Assessment II Criticality Safety Safety Assessment I Safety Assessment II Site Evaluation 2 nd quarter Induction to Nuclear Safety Nuclear Security Decommissioning 1 Final Disposal Safety Induction to Nuclear Safety Human Factors Criticality Safety Ageing 3 rd quarter Safety Management for NRA Radiation Protection Site Evaluation Fire Protection Nuclear Security (exercise) Nuclear Fuel Cycle Safety (2w) Human Factors Opex Transport Emergency Decommissioning 2 Final Disposal Safety Nuclear Security (exercise) Transport Emergency 4 th quarter Nuclear Reactor Safety I Nuclear Reactor Safety II Ageing Transport Nuclear Reactor Safety I Nuclear Reactor Safety II I&C In development

8 8 July 2012 Tutoring offer

9 9 July 2012 International cooperation IAEA Training: Synergy Safety-Security; Induction to Nuclear Safety… Tutoring: Decommissioning; Radiobiology….. European Commission INSC 36 weeks of Training + 34 months of Tutoring Activities implemented by IRSN, GRS, LEI, VUJE, ENEA Armenia, Belarus, Brazil, Egypt, Georgia, Indonesia, Jordan, Malaysia, Mexico, Morocco, Philippines, Tunisia, Turkey, Ukraine, and Vietnam FP7: NUSHARE : standardized training for EU NRA and TSO Regional Safety Networks: ANSN; FORO; ANNUR

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