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Durham and Teesside Patient Safety Conference Teesside University Tuesday 31 st March 2015 Patient Safety Collaboratives: the North East approach Tony.

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Presentation on theme: "Durham and Teesside Patient Safety Conference Teesside University Tuesday 31 st March 2015 Patient Safety Collaboratives: the North East approach Tony."— Presentation transcript:

1 Durham and Teesside Patient Safety Conference Teesside University Tuesday 31 st March 2015 Patient Safety Collaboratives: the North East approach Tony Roberts, Interim Programme Lead Cate Quinn, Interim Programme Manager

2 Regionally-based system-wide integrators - Improving the health and wealth of the country -

3 AHSN NENC Improve health & wealth Partnership – Research – Practice – Industry Members – Trusts, CCGs, Universities Stakeholders – Local Authorities, Industry, NIHR Clinical Research Networks, Clinical Networks, Other NHS bodies and organisations, Public Health, LETB, NEQOS, NHS England

4 Improving Health Clinical Programmes Quality Improvement Collaborative Data Integration Programmes Data Integration Programmes Celebrating Success Patient Safety Collaborative Measurement Technology adoption Medicines Optimisation Patient and Public Involvement Telehealth

5 “The most important single change in the NHS in response to this report would be for it to become, more than ever before, a system devoted to continual learning and improvement of patient care, top to bottom and end to end.” Berwick Report, August 2013 Responding to Francis and Berwick

6 A network of 15 patient safety Collaboratives across England Tackle the leading causes of harm to patients using QI, innovation & evidence based solutions, supported centrally Offer staff, users, carers and patients the opportunity to work together locally to tackle specific safety concerns Build patient safety and improvement capability – quality and safety science education across professional groups Raise awareness – create energy, build a safety movement Ambition - will be the largest and most comprehensive collaborative improvement initiative in the world Will (must) work cross sector and cross service What is the patient safety collaborative programme and what will the Collaboratives look like?



9 The North East legacy Many organisation-based initiatives, clinical networks and partnerships and collaborative projects Safer Care North East (led by former NE SHA) Investing in Behaviours (led by NHS England North, in collaboration with the Health Foundation) Leadership and Quality Improvement programmes (led by North East Leadership Academy and North East Transformation System) Mortality monitoring Measurement tools commissioned from NEQOS Collaborating for better care - NICE Best Practice Partnership Academic experts

10 Progress so far Steering group has met 3 times, chaired by Professor Richard Thomson and agreed TORs. Membership remains open to review but includes patient and public representatives. Process to appoint small team to run the PSC Call for proposals January 2015: ~£450K – 22 projects received, 6 projects are in detailed contract negotiation, 2 more for resubmission to next call Funded projects to begin in April 2015 Link to Health Education North East Faculty of Patient Safety

11 National Collaborative priorities

12 Baseline patient safety metrics An approach is being developed locally Indicators in the public domain (no new measures at this stage) Helpful in identifying priorities Need to acknowledge the difficulty in answering the two key questions: – Is the NHS getting safer? – If it is, what contribution to that are PSCs making?

13 Conclusions Patient Safety Collaboratives have a key role in helping organisations work together on patient safety for system improvement We need to build on our strengths as a region and focus on the priorities The projects we fund aim to reach across the whole pathway of care for patients and engage as many of you as possible We will measure what we do to see if, working together, we’re having the impact on safety we all desire

14 Contacts Tony Roberts Interim Programme Lead Cate Quinn Interim Programme Manager

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