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This is With Your Host : Ms. Palmer Character Trivia Quotable Quotes Plot Notes TermsGrab Bag 100 200 300 400 500.

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3 This is With Your Host : Ms. Palmer


5 Character Trivia Quotable Quotes Plot Notes TermsGrab Bag 100 200 300 400 500

6 Question - 100 pts. Question? The name of the main character and narrator of the story

7 Answer - 100 pts. Back Cassie Logan

8 Question - 200 pts. Question? Oldest relative of the Logan family.

9 Answer - 200 pts. Back Big Ma

10 Question - 300 pts. Question? Walks to school with the Logan children. Does not particularly like or respect his older siblings.

11 Answer - 300 pts. Back Jeremy Simms

12 Question - 400 pts. Question? What is the full name of Little Man?

13 Answer - 400 pts. Back Clayton Chester Logan

14 Question - 500 pts. Question? Who is described as “tawny- colored and sinewy with delicate features in a strong- jawed face”?

15 Answer - 500 pts. Back Mama

16 Question - 100 pts. Question? “ Look out there, Cassie girl. All that belongs to you. You ain’t never had to live on nobody’s place but your own and long as I live and the family survives, you’ll never have to.”

17 Answer - 100 pts. Back Papa

18 Question – 200 points Question? “ If you want something and it’s a good thing and you got it in the right way, you better hang onto it and don’t let nobody talk you out of it. You care what a lot of useless people say ‘bout you, you ll never get nowhere...”

19 Answer - 200 pts. Back Uncle Hammer


21 Question - 300 pts. Question? “Now how could he know what it says? He can’t read.”

22 Answer - 300 pts. Back Miss Crocker

23 Question - 400 pts. Question? “There’s other things a body needs protectin’ from more than a rattlesnake…I get me that gun and ain’t nobody gonna mess with me. I wouldn’t need nobody.”

24 Answer - 400 pts. Back T.J.

25 Question - 500 pts. Question? “I don’t rightly know, but ya’ll knows how they is. Anytime they thinks we stepping out of our place, they feels like they gotta stop us. You know what some of them done to the Berry’s.”

26 Answer - 500 pts. Back Mr. Avery

27 Question - 100 pts. Question? How many acres of land do the Logan’s have?

28 Answer - 100 pts. Back 400 acres

29 Question - 200 pts. Question? After the bus incident, why did Mama have to separate the children while they were doing their homework?

30 Answer - 200 pts. Back The children kept laughing and couldn’t get their work done.

31 Question - 300 pts. Question? Why did Stacey go to the Wallace store when he was told not to?

32 Answer – 300 pts. Back Stacey wanted to fight T.J. for making it look like Stacey was cheating on the test.

33 Question - 400 pts. Question? Because of the boycott, where will the Logans and other black families now go to get their goods?

34 Answer – 400 pts. Back Vicksburg

35 Question - 500 pts. Question? What is the full name of the man who wants to buy the land from the Logans?

36 Answer - 500 pts. Back Mr. Harlan Granger

37 Question - 100 pts Question? This phrase describes how white and black people are forced apart but in supposedly equivalent facilities.

38 Answer – 100 pts. Back Separate but Equal

39 Question - 200 pts. Question? Mama saying, “But one day we’ll have to pay for it. Believe me, one day, we’ll pay,” is an example of what literary device?

40 Answer - 200 pts. Back Foreshadow

41 Question - 300 pts. Question? Name the term for the form of protest in which people do not financially contribute to a specific place

42 Answer - 300 pts. Back Boycott

43 Question - 400 pts. Question? “Family is an important source of one’s inner strength” is an example of?

44 Answer - 400 pts. Back Theme

45 Question - 500 pts. Question? Name of the laws that prevented black and white people from interacting. Ex/ A white man and black woman cannot get married.

46 Answer - 500 pts. Back Jim Crow Laws

47 Question - 100 pts. Question? …the sweat was popping off his skin like oil on water… What literary term is this an example of?

48 Answer - 100 pts. Back Simile

49 Question - 200 pts. Question? What is T.J’s younger brother’s name?

50 Answer - 200 pts. Back Claud

51 Question - 300 pts. Question? Who is Jason?

52 Answer - 300 pts. Back Jason is the Logan’s dog.

53 Question - 400 pts. Question? What is the full name of the author of Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry?

54 Answer - 400 pts. Back Mildred D. Taylor

55 Question - 500 pts. Question? What kind of car does Uncle Hammer drive?

56 Answer - 500 pts. Back A Silver Packard


58 Character Trivia Quotable Quotes Plot Notes Essay Fun! Grab Bag 200 400 600 800 1000

59 Question - 200 pts. Question? Who was fired from his job on the railroad for fighting with a white man.

60 Answer - 200 pts. Back Mr. Morrison


62 Question - 400 pts Question? Who owns a slightly older model of Uncle Hammer’s car?

63 Answer - 400 pts. Back Harlan Granger

64 Question – 600 pts. Question? What is the name of the white bus driver?

65 Answer - 600 pts. Back Mr. Grimes

66 Question - 800 pts. Question? What is the name of the white lawyer who does not support the ways of fellow whites such as the Wallaces?

67 Answer - 800 pts. Back Mr. Jamison

68 Question - 1000 pts. Question? Who was responsible for saving T.J. from hanging and why?

69 Answer - 1000 pts. Back Papa saved T.J. by starting the fire.

70 Question - 200 pts. Question? “You bumped into me, now apologize!”

71 Answer - 200 pts. Back Lillian Jean Simms

72 Question - 400 pts Question? “This thing’s been coming a long time …and T.J. just happened to be the one foolish enough to trigger it.”

73 Answer - 400 pts. Back Papa

74 Question – 600 pts. Question? “You being white, you can just ‘bout plan on anything you want. But I tell you this one thing: you plan on getting this land, you’re planning on the wrong thing.”

75 Answer - 600 pts. Back Papa


77 Question - 800 pts. Question? “Don’t let ‘em hurt my baby no more! Kill me, Lord, but not my child!”

78 Answer - 800 pts. Back Mrs. Avery (T.J.’s mother)

79 Question - 1000 pts. Question? “Funny thing. That fire come up from that lightning and struck one of those fence posts, I reckon, and sparked that cotton. Must’ve burned a good quarter…Ya’ll lucky it ain’t headed this way.”

80 Answer - 1000 pts. Back Jeremy Simms

81 Question - 200 pts. Question? What distracted the night men from hanging T.J.?

82 Answer - 200 pts. Back They saw the fire.

83 Question - 400 pts Question? How did Uncle Hammer help out when the Logans needed money?

84 Answer - 400 pts. Back He sold his Packard to raise money for the mortgage.

85 Question – 600 pts. Question? Since Mama’s firing, T.J. hasn’t been showing up at school. Where does he hang out during school hours?

86 Answer - 600 pts. Back T.J. hangs out at the Wallace store.

87 Question - 800 pts. Question? Who stole the watermelons from Mr. Ellis?

88 Answer - 800 pts. Back Papa and Uncle Hammer

89 Question - 1000 pts. Question? What is the name of the school that the Logan children attend?

90 Answer - 1000 pts. Back Great Faith Elementary and Secondary School

91 Question - 200 pts. Question? What is the name of the sentence that states the main argument of an essay?

92 Answer - 200 pts. Back Thesis

93 Question - 400 pts Question? What sentence should start the conclusion paragraph?

94 Answer - 400 pts. Back Restatement of the Thesis

95 Question – 600 pts. Question? What do we call the facts from the novels that go in the body paragraphs?

96 Answer - 600 pts. Back Concrete Details Or Evidence

97 Question - 800 pts. Question? What do we call the writing that explains the significance of your quotes and how they relate to the thesis?

98 Answer - 800 pts. Back Commentary Or Explanation

99 Question - 1000 pts. Question? What goes at the very start of the body paragraph?

100 Answer - 1000 pts. Back Topic Sentence

101 Question - 200 pts. Question? “…attempting to keep the rusty dust from swelling and drifting back upon his shiny black shoes and the cuffs of his corduroy pants by lifting each foot high before settling it down gently again…” Who does this describe?

102 Answer - 200 pts. Back Little Man

103 Question - 400 pts Question? …the rain had merely splotched the dust, which seemed to be rejoicing in its own resiliency and laughing at the heavy drops thudding against it… What literary term is this an example of?

104 Answer - 400 pts. Back Personification

105 Question – 600 pts. Question? What is the name of the pond that sits on the Logan property?

106 Answer - 600 pts. Back Caroline Pond

107 Question - 800 pts. Question? …the headlights appeared suddenly, coming fast like cat eyes in the night… What literary term is this an example of?

108 Answer - 800 pts. Back Simile

109 Question - 1000 pts. Question? How many children did Big Ma give birth to?

110 Answer - 1000 pts. Back 6 children, but only Papa and Uncle Hammer survived

111 Final Jeopardy Category: An Important Conversation

112 Final Jeopardy Question: Who is Papa speaking to when he says, “Still, I want these children to know we tried, and what we can’t do now, maybe one day they will.”?

113 Final Jeopardy Answer: Mr. Jamison

114 Thank you for playing

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