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Recycling for the Future Thursday 24 th November 2011 Steve Lee – CEO Chartered Institution of Wastes Management.

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Presentation on theme: "Recycling for the Future Thursday 24 th November 2011 Steve Lee – CEO Chartered Institution of Wastes Management."— Presentation transcript:

1 Recycling for the Future Thursday 24 th November 2011 Steve Lee – CEO Chartered Institution of Wastes Management

2 The CIWM Vision “A world where: Resources are kept working Wastes are put back to work Residues are carefully disposed of”.

3 It is only a “policy review”.... CIWM: 30p evidence But...its NOT a strategy National waste plan (2012) Finance no-go area Planning no-go area NOT the Energy Review General de-regulation climate NOTHING trumps overcoming the national defecit

4 This is Spinal Tap

5 CIWM: A Luke Warm Response CIWM recognises Defra's commitment to broaden waste policy into the wider realms of resource efficiency. However, there is nothing radical or new in the document. What this review doesn't identify how England will aspire to become a thought leader and top performer in sustainable waste and resource management

6 “Hot” Broad objectives – well beyond “waste” Recognition of roles of technologies Planning guidance / need Responsibility schemes Carbon metric AD strategy No radical change supports continuity

7 “Cold”  “waste” policy review No interim or ambitious targets Weak on data Not enough on I&C wastes Nothing on pre-treatment Late on Prevention Plan “actions” often to “look at”, “Explore” or “Encourage”

8 Action Voluntary responsibility deal – ESA (1) MRF Code of Practice (2) Hospitality VR deal (5) LA recycling and waste services commitment (23) Reward and Recognition scheme fund (24) Waste collections (32) AD Strategy (37) EfW Guide (39)

9 More, Please! Packaging recycling targets (26) Food waste Controlled Waste Regs (43) National Waste Management Plan (47) Landfill bans (51) and (54) Waste prevention Plan (7) PPS10, NPPF, Waste Local Plans Green Investment Bank

10 Data The edoc programme will modernise the way waste data is collected in the UK and..... the ability to extract good quality data for businesses, regulators and government. With the support of EU LIFE+ funding, the programme aims to create a national, internet-based system to monitor the waste journey from production to collection, transportation, treatment and disposal.

11 Proposed Municipal Waste Recycling Rates (But still subject to further change) 201020132015201620202025 England40%45%50% Scotland40%50%60%70% Wales40%52%58%64%70% N Ireland35%40%45% 60%

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