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Lesson 8 Day 5 T260-261. Phonics and Spelling scout, town, brown, how, south, count Which letters represent the /ou/ sound in each word? Remember that.

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Presentation on theme: "Lesson 8 Day 5 T260-261. Phonics and Spelling scout, town, brown, how, south, count Which letters represent the /ou/ sound in each word? Remember that."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lesson 8 Day 5 T260-261

2 Phonics and Spelling scout, town, brown, how, south, count Which letters represent the /ou/ sound in each word? Remember that ow is usually found at the end of a syllable or before a final n. join, toys, boy, point, royal, boiled Which letters make the /oi/ sound in these words? Use oy at the end of a syllable.

3 Main Idea and Details What is a main idea? What are supporting details? I will reread “Weird Friends.” The purpose for reading nonfiction is to find out about details that support the main idea. Listen closely as I read.

4 Main Idea and Details How does the egret help the rhino? How do impalas and baboons help each other? What information do you learn about the friendship of the tuatara and the sooty shearwater?

5 Build Robust Vocabulary What signal might a ferocious dog send? Why are dominant animals often in conflicts? Help me make a word web of ferocious animals, and a web of reasons why animals might get into a conflict.

6 Build Robust Vocabulary What do white-tailed deer demonstrate when they flick their tails? Why is it important to obey a traffic signal? If a little girl wanders into the street, how should you alert her of the danger? Would someone who grooms himself or herself be likely to have a scent of soap? How could a police officer on patrol communicate with another police officer? Would someone who wined about noise in a movie theater be likely to chatter during a movie?

7 Grammar Abbreviations for people, most places, days, and moths begin with capital letter and end with a period. Abbreviations for states have tow capital letters and no periods. Help me correct these abbreviations. ms Ana p Ramirez Ms. Ana P. Ramirez fri, feb 11 Fri., Feb. 11 dr Jeffrey c Waite, jr Dr. Jeffrey C. Waite, Jr. 904 Montgomery ave Buit mn 904 Montgomery Ave., Buit, MN

8 Writing Revise and finish final draft of description.

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