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Reversed mainstreaming? Climate change and time preference in community disaster management Pablo Suarez, Ph.D. Boston University Department of Geography.

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Presentation on theme: "Reversed mainstreaming? Climate change and time preference in community disaster management Pablo Suarez, Ph.D. Boston University Department of Geography."— Presentation transcript:

1 Reversed mainstreaming? Climate change and time preference in community disaster management Pablo Suarez, Ph.D. Boston University Department of Geography Development & Adaptation Days at COP 11 Montreal - December 3, 2005

2 Mainstreaming adaptation: definition and caricature Promoting adaptation by integrating policies and measures to address climate change into ongoing sectoral and development planning and decision making. The climate change stream Water & Sanitation Disaster Mgment Housing Food Sec Health

3 Participatory Workshops on Climate Change Intro: “learn & share” Flood impacts? What during flood? Causes? Info: predictability What can be done differently? Exposure Vulnerability Adaptive Capacity  

4 Today, tomorrow, and the rest of the future Complexity Time Community-Based Disaster Mgment (CBDM) CC Adaptation Sustainable Development Now Issues: Time discounting Dynamic inconsistency Variance within community  Food security 1 -

5 Three climate change thoughts from women in the field Dhaka: “… in 3 days…” Limpopo: “I see…” Río de la Plata “… my children…”

6 Reversed mainstreaming: a sketch “Ask not just what CBDM can do for CC… ask what CC can do for CBDM” Rethink role of future Climate change as plausible explanation For the most vulnerable, reach hearts (and minds) Promoting ongoing sectoral and development planning and decision making by integrating information, insights and resources from climate change into policies and measures to address more immediate needs. CC stream Wat & San Disaster Mgment Food Sec

7 Thank you

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