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[ 1.4 ] The Basics of Democracy

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1 [ 1.4 ] The Basics of Democracy

2 [ 1.4 ] The Basics of Democracy
Learning Objectives Understand the foundations of democracy. Analyze the connections between democracy and the free enterprise system.

3 [ 1.4 ] The Basics of Democracy
Key Terms James Bryce Winston Churchill majority rule Compromise Oliver Wendell Holmes Theodore Roosevelt George Washington citizen free enterprise system

4 Foundations of Democracy
What do you make of this assessment of democracy by British statesman James Bryce: “No government demands so much from the citizen as Democracy, and none gives so much back”? What does democratic government demand from you? What does it give you in return?

5 Foundations of Democracy
Worth of the Individual Equality of All Persons Majority Rule, Minority Rights Necessity of Compromise Insistence upon Individual Freedom

6 Foundations of Democracy
Young people wave American flags to show their patriotism while attending the inauguration of U.S. President Barack Obama.

7 Responsibilities, Duties, and Obligations of Citizenship
Over the centuries, any number of statesmen, philosophers, and others have told us that citizenship carries with it both duties and responsibilities. Theodore Roosevelt put that point this way in 1902: “The first requisite of a good citizen in our republic is that he should be able and willing to pull his weight.”

8 Responsibilities, Duties, and Obligations of Citizenship
Being a 'Good Citizen' Making a Difference

9 Responsibilities, Duties, and Obligations of Citizenship
The Texas Longhorns football team shows its patriotism during the national anthem. The national anthem expresses national pride and the duty of defending one's country during wartime.

10 Democracy and the Free Enterprise System
The American commitment to freedom for the individual is deep-rooted, and it is as evident in the nation’s economic system as it is in the political system. The American economic system is often called the free enterprise system. It is an economic system characterized by the private ownership of capital goods; investments made by private decision, not by government directive; and success or failure determined by competition in the marketplace. The free enterprise system is based on four fundamental factors: private ownership, individual initiative, profit, and competition.

11 Democracy and the Free Enterprise System
How the System Works Government and the Free Enterprise System

12 Democracy and the Free Enterprise System
The four pillars are the basis for free enterprise, or capitalism, in the United States. Analyze Charts What are some examples of each pillar, such as home ownership or starting a business?

13 Democracy and the Free Enterprise System
This cartoon shows two trains sidetracked by a monopoly. Analyze Political Cartoons Why might there be tension in the economy between the government and private enterprise?

14 Quiz: Foundations of Democracy
Why is compromise important in a democracy? A. Compromise is needed to blend and adjust competing views to find the position most acceptable to the majority. B. Compromise is needed to help ensure the equality of all persons. C. Compromise is needed to provide the largest possible degree of individual freedom. D. Compromise is needed to ensure that all citizens are satisfied with the current laws.

15 Quiz: Responsibilities, Duties, and Obligations of Citizenship
Read the following quote from George Washington: 'The very idea of the power and right of the People to establish government presupposes the duty of every individual to obey the established Government.' In Washington's opinion, which of the following would be required? A. paying taxes B. voting C. volunteering D. understanding government

16 Quiz: Democracy and the Free Enterprise System
How might the government react to a downturn in the economy? A. The government might raise taxes to raise funds. B. The government might take steps to stimulate the economy. C. The government might revise antitrust laws to promote competition between businesses. D. The government might work to make certain supplies scarce to create an increase in prices.

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