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Cecilia Barbieri OREALC/UNESCO Santiago Montevideo, 26-27 de noviembre de 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Cecilia Barbieri OREALC/UNESCO Santiago Montevideo, 26-27 de noviembre de 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cecilia Barbieri OREALC/UNESCO Santiago Montevideo, 26-27 de noviembre de 2015

2 EFA and youth transition to work UNESCO working framework in the LAC region: Education For All 1. Early Childhood Care and Education 2. Universal Primary Education 3. Meeting learning needs of all young people and adults through equitable access to appropriate learning and life-skills programmes. 4. Literacy 5. Gender parity and equality 6. Quality of Education 2

3 SDGs Regional Education Project for LAC 1.Curriculum content and practices 2.Teachers 3.Schools as learning communities 4.Management and planning of education systems 5.Social responsibility for education Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all 7 targets + 3 means of implementation From Early Childhood to LLL Education 2015-30 Goal 4 International Development Goals

4 Education Agenda post-2015: Framework for Action - SDG Goal 4: Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all  Meta 3: By 2030, ensure that all youth and a substantial proportion of adults, both men and women, achieve literacy and numeracy

5 Objective of the meeting To collectively reflect on progress and challenges faced by literacy and adult education in the Latin American and Caribbean region and to explore the appropriate responses (based on the 2030 agenda of education, the Incheon Declaration and the new FFA, and the follow-up recommendations of CONFINTEA VI) Build better understandings of and share knowledge on the contributions of literacy and youth and adult education to skills development and sustainable societies, particularly within a lifelong learning perspective.

6 Objective of the meeting identify possible areas for regional collaboration in line with the new 2030 education Agenda on the basis of UNESCO’s future regional work in literacy and youth and adult education. To contribute to a joint roadmap post 2015 for the region that will inform the new regional platform for the implementation of Education 2030

7 Objective of the meeting platform for meeting of the Executive Committee of the Observatory on Youth and Adult Education for Latin America and the Caribbean, whose establishment was agreed during the regional follow up meeting to CONFINTEA VI (May 2011 in Mexico City), under the chair of INEA (Mexico) and OREALC/UNESCO. The main objective of the Observatory is to support and monitor the follow up by the region of the implementation of the Belem Framework for Action.

8 Methodology Part 1: Plenaries Session 1: Literacy and Youth and Adult Education within the framework of the Agenda for Sustainable Development 2030 Session 2: Progress and challenges of Literacy, Youth and Adult Education in Latin America and the Caribbean within the framework of CONFINTEA VI Session 3: Curriculum requirements from a perspective of lifelong learning and sustainable development Session 4: The contributions of non-formal education and educational innovations with youth and adults in LAC Session 5: Research, Monitoring and Evaluation of Literacy and Youth and Adult Education

9 Methodology Part 2: Group work Group work 1 Public policies and reforms for youth and adult education Group work 2 Implementation of youth and adult education from the perspective of lifelong learning and sustainable development Group work 3 Research, monitoring, and evaluation of literacy and youth and adult education

10 Information Web en español meeting/ meeting/ Agenda preliminar Nota conceptual Descargue información útil para su estadía Web en inglés meeting/ Draft agenda Concept note Download general information

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