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 Is biodiversity important for food security?  There are many accusations by different groups that biodiversity is threatened by biotechnology, especially.

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Presentation on theme: " Is biodiversity important for food security?  There are many accusations by different groups that biodiversity is threatened by biotechnology, especially."— Presentation transcript:

1  Is biodiversity important for food security?  There are many accusations by different groups that biodiversity is threatened by biotechnology, especially GMOs. What is your reaction to this?  How can science serve biodiversity?


3 Büchs, W. (2003) Biotic indicators for biodiversity and sustainable agriculture--introduction and background. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 98, 1-3, pp 1-16

4 Büchs, W., Harenberg, A., Zimmermann, J., & Weiß, B. (2003) Biodiversity, the ultimate agri- environmental indicator?: Potential and limits for the application of faunistic elements as gradual indicators in agroecosystems. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 98, 1-3, pp 99-123 tech-Biodiv/Biodiversity-Ultimate- Agri-Environment-2003.pdf Patterns of habitat preferences of spider communities in farming systems

5 Exclusive Conservation International 'agreed to greenwash arms company' The Ecologist 11th May, 2011 US environmental charity under fire for close links with controversial companies, including Cargill, Chevron, Monsanto and Shell WWF and Monsanto - is GM soy now okay? Stephanie Roth 19th June, 2009 Environmental group WWF has faced a barrage of protest for sitting at the table with the likes of Monsanto and Cargill. Has it gone a step too far to appease the multinationals? undercover-with-conservation- international The Ecologist May 11, 2011 Polemics in conservation policy

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