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2015 Test Administrator Manual Highlights For Test Administrators.

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1 2015 Test Administrator Manual Highlights For Test Administrators

2 2015 PARCC TAM Section 1.0 1.4Responsibilities of:  School Test Coordinator (STC)  Test Administrator (TA) and Proctor  Technology Coordinator (TC)  Who can administer PARCC?  Licensed Educators  Not Student Teachers/Parents

3 2015 PARCC TAM Section 1.0 1.5Scheduling and Testing Time Policies  Units administered in sequential order (exception: Makeup Testing)  Administration Time (~30 min – detailed table 1.0)  Unit Testing Time  All students finished – unit may end 1.5.3Makeup Testing  Every attempt should be made to administer units  Students making up different units might not be able to test together  A student who leaves testing for an emergency…  Students who miss a unit – continue with class

4 2015 PARCC TAM Section 1.0 1.5.4Extended Time  According to IEP/504 or ELL Accommodation  Test in a separate setting  Time is kept by the Test Administrator, not by TestNav (online student testing platform)  Schedule to start early – unit must be completed on the day it began

5 2015 PARCC TAM Section 2.0 2.1 – 2.4 Test Security  Highest Priority  Security protocols, forms, and plans are emphasized in this section  Chain-of-Custody Form or tracking log should be used for secure materials (Seal codes, tickets, etc)  Secure materials should be distributed and returned each day a unit is administered

6 2015 PARCC TAM Section 2.0 2.5Security Breaches & Testing Irregularities  Examples of Security Breaches regarding Electronic Devices, Test Supervision, & Materials  Examples of Testing Irregularities regarding Environment  Process for reporting security breaches or testing irregularities: (TA→STC →CEC →ISBE) 2.7Safety Threats/Severe Weather  Before starting a unit  During a unit – safety first; document time and situation if able; secure test materials if able

7 2015 PARCC TAM Section 3.0 3.1Test Materials  Student Testing Tickets  Seal Codes  Wooden #2 pencils (not mechanical for PBT)  Supply of scratch paper (FT was 2/st./unit)  Calculators (grades 6-8 & HS)  Math Tools (grade 8)  Paper version of Math Reference Sheet (5-8 th /HS)  District-issued testing devices for students  Headphones/earbuds (if applicable)  Clock/watch for timing (if needed) for TA’s  Computer for TA’s to access PearsonAccess NEXT

8 2015 PARCC TAM Section 3.0 3.2 – 3.4Calculators & Math Tools  Review of PARCC Calculator Policy  Rulers/Protractors (gr 3-8 & HS); see Table 3.1  Geometry tools allowable for Grade 8 3.5Headphones (or earbuds)  Needed for ELA PBA (exception: Grade 8) and Text-to-Speech feature  Students are invited to bring their own  Can be used as stand-alone noise buffers  Buildings were provided with 4 headphones per cart of DELL laptops

9 2015 PARCC TAM Section 3.0 3.7 – 3.9Prohibited Materials and Resources  Cell phones  Instructional aides, reference materials, or resources Cover or Remove:  Posters, maps, charts, & displays  Math formulas or theorems  Graphic organizers  Multiplication tables/100s charts (unless as an accommodation)  Word lists, definitions, writing formulas

10 2015 PARCC TAM Section 4.0 4.0Testing Environment  Good lighting, ventilation, and temperature  Free of interruptions and noise  Each student should have adequate workspace but be separated from other students  There are different forms of the test for non- accommodated formats  No substitute for active proctoring  Options for configuring seating

11 2015 PARCC TAM Section 5.0 Test Administrator Tasks – before testing  Read Test Administrator Manual including scripts  Participate in an Infrastructure Trial  Administer the Tutorials to students per your Test Coordinator  Complete mandatory trainings at your building  Review & sign the PARCC Test Security Agreement  Understand the materials you will be given by your Test Coordinator each testing day  Be familiar with navigating PearsonAccess Next – starting & monitoring sessions, and resuming students  In PearsonAccess Next, verify the students in your session(s)

12 2015 PARCC TAM Section 5.0 Test Administrator Tasks – before testing  Be sure you have a computer available in your testing room so you can access PearsonAccess Next  Prepare your room for testing  Know the testing schedule for your sessions  Be familiar with any accommodations/accessibility features you are administering to students

13 2015 PARCC TAM Section 5.0 Day of Testing  Receive materials from Test Coordinators  Setup computers if not done already – including mice  Start Test Session in PearsonAccess Next OR resume students’ tests  Display a timing box on the board – fill in when prompted by the script

14 2015 PARCC TAM Section 6.0 Test Administrator Tasks – during testing  Have PARCC logins for students to login to their computers… _ _ parcc  Read scripted instructions verbatim as they are provided in Test Administrator Manuals  Only provide one Seal Code per unit  Keep Time for the test  Manage Testing Sessions in PA Next – use IPSD PPT*  ACTIVELY PROCTOR  Communicate with your Test Coordinator regarding any irregularities

15 2015 PARCC TAM Section 6.0 Test Administrator Tasks – during testing Trouble-shooting Tips for Online Testing  When a technology disruption affecting a single student occurs…  Note the time of the disruption so the remaining time for the unit can be calculated  Most times problems are resolved by the following:  Log the student out of TestNav & then back in  Restart the computer  Switch out devices  Contact your school test coordinator/tech staff if the problem persists  The student should be given back lost time

16 2015 PARCC TAM Section 6.0 Test Administrator Tasks – during testing Trouble-shooting Tips for Online Testing  When a technology disruption affecting multiple students occur…  Verify the session is started/tests are resumed  Pause testing in the room until issue is resolved  Note the time of the disruption so the remaining time for the unit can be calculated  Follow the same process for resolving most tech issues that you did for a single student.  Contact your school test coordinator/tech staff if the problem persists  When resolved, stop time should be recalculated

17 6.8.3 Guidance for redirecting students  Providing reminders to stay on task and focused  Providing a redirection as part of school rules or typical classroom management plan  Providing visual cues to remain on task 6.9Breaks  During a unit, individual restroom breaks are OK  “Classroom stretch break” during a unit – 3 min max. Cover monitors. Test Security is a high priority!  Students taking another unit need a break between units 2015 PARCC TAM Section 6.0

18 2015 PARCC TAM Section 6.0 Prohibited Test Administrator Tasks – during testing  Test Administrators/Proctors may not comment on any student work at any time…no coaching is allowed  Test Administrators/Proctors may not help students in any way except to clarify general administration directions – no test item information may be clarified  Under no circumstances are students to be prompted to revise, edit, or complete any test questions during or after testing  All test items and student responses, including work on scratch paper, are secure and may not be released, copied, or duplicated (including taking pictures of items)

19 2015 PARCC TAM Section 6.0 Test Administrator Tasks – after testing  Account for all testing materials (secure & non-secure) and return to School Test Coordinator  Manage Testing Sessions in PA Next  Between Units students are directed to exit the test so they can save and finish later  Only if the student is done with ALL units in a subject should they submit (this includes makeup testing)  Organize & return test materials to your School Test Coordinator

20 2015 PARCC TAM SCRIPTS Not in Math or ELA Scripts:  T RANSLATIONS OF S CRIPTED I NSTRUCTIONS WILL BE AVAILABLE  P LUG IN MICE TO TESTING DEVICES  PARCC BUILDING LOGONS FOR STUDENT DEVICES  S TUDENTS NEED TO CLICK ONCE ON IE ICON ON TASKBAR Mathematics PBA Unit 1  Headphones only for ELA PBA (not grade 8) & Text to Speech feature for Math  Read scripted instructions verbatim to students  Instructions will prompt distribution of scratch paper and testing tickets

21 2015 PARCC TAM SCRIPTS Mathematics PBA Unit 1 (cont)  For MS and HS, there are 2 sections in Unit 1  First section is Non-calculator,  Second is Calculator; once students begin the calculator section they can’t return to section 1.  Seal code for Unit 1 only should be posted on the board  Once a student has completed the entire unit, they can be provided instructions for logging out  Once they are logged out they may read a book (option C in the script), but may NOT use any electronic devices

22 2015 PARCC TAM SCRIPTS Mathematics PBA Unit 1 (cont)  A verbal announcement is made when 10 minutes remain in the unit  Once the unit has ended, collect student testing tickets and ALL scratch paper Mathematics PBA Unit 2  Students’ Tests need to be resumed by the TA in PA Next at the beginning of Unit 2  Most of the scripted directions are identical to unit 1  Unit 2 for Math PBA is all calculator for MS & HS  Other differences are using Seal Code for unit 2, directions for ending a unit, and the unit time

23 2015 PARCC TAM SCRIPTS ELA/Literacy PBA Unit 1 (Literary Analysis)  Headphones will be needed all three ELA PBA units (not grade 8)  Read scripted instructions verbatim to students  Instructions will prompt distribution of scratch paper and testing tickets  Seal code for Unit 1 only should be posted  Once a student has completed the entire unit, they can be provided instructions for logging out  Once they are logged out they may read a book (option C in the script), but may NOT use any electronic devices

24 2015 PARCC TAM SCRIPTS ELA/Literacy PBA Unit 1 (Literary Analysis) – cont.  A verbal announcement is made when 10 minutes remain in the unit  Once the unit has ended, collect student testing tickets and ALL scratch paper ELA/Literacy PBA Unit 2 (Research Simulation)  Students’ Tests need to be resumed by the TA in PANext at the beginning of Unit 2  Most of the scripted directions are identical to unit 1  Other differences are using Seal Code for unit 2, and the unit time

25 2015 PARCC TAM SCRIPTS ELA/Literacy PBA Unit 3 (Narrative Writing)  Students’ Tests need to be resumed by the TA in PA Next at the beginning of Unit 3  Most of the scripted directions are identical to units 1 and 2  Other differences are using Seal Code for unit 3, directions for ending the unit, and the unit time

26 2015 PARCC TAM Section 7.0 7.1 Accommodations & Accessibility Features  All features and accommodations used on PARCC should be generally consistent with regular instruction and assessment 7.3 Administration Guidance in the AAF Manual  Human Reader: Appendices B, I, & J  TA’s should be given 2 full school days to review items  Human Scribe: Appendix C  Extended Time: Appendix E

27 2015 PARCC TAM Section 7.0 7.3.2 Special Accommodations Circumstances  TCM Appendix G – Accommodations Forms  Unique Accommodations  Emergency Accommodations  Refusal of Accommodations 7.4-7.5 Transcribing student responses  Paper-Based Testing  Computer-Based Testing  Special directions for students using an AT Device for Constructed Response Items


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