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Lisa Smith’s Shakespeare Project. Romeo and Juliet: What Life was Like in their Time Period.

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Presentation on theme: "Lisa Smith’s Shakespeare Project. Romeo and Juliet: What Life was Like in their Time Period."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lisa Smith’s Shakespeare Project

2 Romeo and Juliet: What Life was Like in their Time Period

3 Life in Elizabethan England Language – Thee and Thou Say: “How are thou”, never “how are thee” What wouldst thou have of me? I will go with thee. When the next word begins with a vowel, use thine for thy: I like thy face. But I applaud thine effort. Use the more formal language when addressing those people in authority such as parents, your master or your social superiors

4 The Relationship of Master and Servant Servants Servants are not democrats They approve of the social order. Most of them are men A servant in a fine house expects to rise in the world, improve his fortunes and create an even better place for his children. A stable groom might dream of becoming butler or steward in the same or greater house. Masters A Master strives to do credit to his servant. It is a credit to the master to dress himself and his servants well. Masters do not dress their servants in rags. A good master is proud and patient. He governs his house with fatherly care. He lets the servants do their work. He maintains his station by honorable behavior, not argument

5 Miscellaneous Info. Hobbies Tennis is popular. It is played indoors though or in a high- walled outdoor court. The ball is made of leather and stuffed with hair. Other sports include bowls(lawn bowling) and shuttlecock or badmitton and archery Gossip is also a popular with any activity Fashion of the Times A necklace is commonly called a carcanet You might tell an interested party that your very fine, sheer cotton chemise is made of lawn (a very fine linen) Merchant class women do not always wear a bumroll and seldom wear a farthingale. All kinds a pants are called hose, specifically trunk hose, because they cover the trunk of the body.

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