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Identifying priorities for digitisation and lobbying for funding: A glimpse from DK Birte Christensen-Dalsgaard State and University Library, Aarhus, Denmark.

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Presentation on theme: "Identifying priorities for digitisation and lobbying for funding: A glimpse from DK Birte Christensen-Dalsgaard State and University Library, Aarhus, Denmark."— Presentation transcript:

1 Identifying priorities for digitisation and lobbying for funding: A glimpse from DK Birte Christensen-Dalsgaard State and University Library, Aarhus, Denmark

2 Planets: User study – use of collections Quality Access Search and discovery Communications Context Personalisation

3 Interview with three futurologists If knowledge is not available 24/7 and accessible in a meaningful way – then it is not used Searching on the basis of words will disappear – will start to search on the basis of argumentation Data are stored in international, interlinked databases. Let some librarians and department heads go and make one big research library with one leader. Some data becomes cheaper to reconstruct than to store.

4 Ministry of Culture Response to i2010 Three working groups Selection criteria and their consequence Legal aspects Access and Use Report on the organisational and financial aspects – by Gartner Digitalisation ~ 400 mio. Euro

5 Recommendation from legal working group: License model Proposed a “general license” - rights owner’s organisations may conclude extended collective license agreements in areas where they find it useful Extended collective licensing means that license agreement is by law extended to have effect also on right owners who are not member of the contracting organisation

6 Recommendation from access group: Vision and Ambition The digital cultural heritage must be activated to ensure that the socio- economical potential of the collections is realized The ambition is that at least 20% of the Danish population makes regular use of the cultural heritage

7 Recommendation from access group: Realization of ambition Users Archives and Collections Mash-up Remix Share Social Standards for - Metadata - Formats - Facilities - Tools - Etc. Broker

8 Cultural institutions continued effort Create prototype Test prototype in educational environment Create vision folder – with politicians as target group Create general understanding for the necessity of mobilising the collections of the cultural institutions Minimise the future digitalisation effort – get into the work flow

9 Digitize now as part of ingest process – to avoid doing it in the future Programmes from Ritzau Digital Storage televisionl: 100.031 timer = 153Tb radio: 119.753 timer = 36Tb totalt: 219.784 timer = 189Tb

10 Summary Create political understanding for the necessity of creating digital collections – based on use scenarios Work on licensing models for the use of the content Start to supplement/replace the analogue deposit process with a digital one

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