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Prepared by: Ghaith H. Fariz UNDP November – 2003 The Millennium Development Goals (MDGS) … UNDP support at the country level …. UNDP support at the country.

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Presentation on theme: "Prepared by: Ghaith H. Fariz UNDP November – 2003 The Millennium Development Goals (MDGS) … UNDP support at the country level …. UNDP support at the country."— Presentation transcript:

1 Prepared by: Ghaith H. Fariz UNDP November – 2003 The Millennium Development Goals (MDGS) … UNDP support at the country level …. UNDP support at the country level …. MDGs Workshop Cairo November 2003 MDGs.. UNDP Support at the Country level

2  Interaction with governments  Interaction with Civil Society Organization  Building programs  Programs’ implementation & follow up The coordinating role of UNDP among the UN system The specific supporting role/agenda of UNDP  UNDP has been entrusted the  goalkeeper role.  The RR/RC system MDG monitoring and reporting

3 All stems from the UN Core Strategy: Principles….. 1.MDGs situated within broader norms of the Millennium Declaration 2.All 8 MDGs and 18 targets equally important 3.Broad national ownership and participation 4.Partnership -- with Governments, CSOs and private sector is essential 5.Greater focus and sense of urgency demanded, even though work underway 6.UN potential must be mobilised fully 7.MDGs neither diminishes nor precludes the important work of the UN system in other mandated areas

4 The joint UN team responsibility to support the MDGs….  Bringing the UN country team together…  Engagement of UN country team in the MDGR preparation processes…  Drawing on / mobilization of resources(financial, technical, data….) The coordinating role of UNDP among the UN country team

5  Delegation / distribution of duties (RR/RC systems)  Coordination of on the ground activities  Cooperation in implementing supporting programs and activities  Monitoring progress and achievements

6 Tools of Coordination / synchronization of UN organizations’ support at the Country Level Using the Resident Coordinator/ Resident Representative System…… CCA : Common Country Assessment… The UN country team / family (UN organizations in a country), jointly assesses the situation of a country. UNDADF : United Nations Development Assistance Framework. Is based on the needs outlined in the CCA. The UN positions itself on how to provide development assistance to the country in a coherent manner. Prepared by all UN agencies Other tools: PRSPs, joint support to national plans, county/region specific initiatives….

7 Potential role of UNDG  Keeping the MDGs alive: Ensuring continuation of societal and governmental commitment  Capacity Building  Enhancing societal involvement  Resource mobilization  Monitoring and evaluation of achievements  Alliance building: national and international  Enhancing surrounding environments: governance, developmental planning and management…  Supporting programs, projects and activities contributing to the achievement of MDGs

8 UNDP support at the Country level … focuses on Capturing / supporting results at the country level Developing capacity for monitoring and analysis Supporting the production of MDGRs Promoting national ownership Co-operating with other UN agencies, the World Bank and Regional Development organizations Aligning UNDP ’ s policy and programme work Supporting programs, projects and activities contributing to the achievement of MDGs The specific supporting role/agenda of UNDP

9 Arenas of UNDP support to MDGs/MDGRs processes at the Country Level  Advocacy - Encouraging governments’ commitment to the MDGs and to action  Providing policy advice and technical backstopping  Supporting the formulation of pro MDG / Pro poor policies ( PRSPs, National Developmental Plans, National Human Development Reports, …)  Supporting the production of MDGRs (more, better, inclusive)  Supporting the building of statistical capacities and MDG monitoring systems

10  Enhancing participation/engagement of all stakeholders (CSOs, government, local community, international/donor agencies…)  Mobilization of resources (financial, technical…)  Supporting capacity building initiatives  Supporting relevant complementing programs (governance, gender…)  Reporting on progress - Cooperation with governments in the preparation and dissemination of regular Progress Reports

11 Tools of UNDP Support/programming at the Country Level …include … CCF: Country Cooperation Framework. Identifies UNDP planned activities/support for the next cycle 4 years SRF: Strategic Results Framework. Prepared by each CO for each strategic result you want to achieve. Other tools include… direct support and other project documents Programs can be Nationally and/or directly (UNDP) executed

12 UNDP support to the MDG/MDGR processes  More MDGRs  Better MDGRs: Customized targets and indicators, disaggregated data and incorporating Goal 8  Inclusive MDGRs: Involving UN Country Team, Governments, & CSO  Building Statistical Capacities: Supporting MDG monitoring systems  Linking the MDGs to Policy Reform: Through 20/20, GSB, PRSP …

13 Major MDG/MDGR Achievements… The Arab States example … MDGR/MDG process launched in all Arab States Five MDGRs completely/almost prepared Seven MDGRs expected during 2003. One country (Egypt) is embarking on its second MDGR.

14 Other areas of support…… Supporting the establishment of MDG/poverty monitoring systems in several countries Supporting the establishment of linkages with other policy tools/paper including Regional and country level HDRs, PRSPs, national developmental plans. Supporting relevant developmental programs such as gender, governance, environmental protection….

15 Issues at the country level…. National Ownership of MDGRs and other UN supported policy documents, suggested policies and approaches (Gos, CSOs …engagement) Linkages : linking MDGs with strategies and policies (strategy and policy papers at all levels) Data and monitoring systems Capacities (Capacity building and absorption Capacity

16 Lack of resources (human and financial) Unwillingness of some governments to cooperate Acknowledgment of existence of problems (poverty), perceived priorities, political constraints…. Inadequate coordination / synchronization of activities (within and among UN agencies)

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