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Section 504 Campus Training. Who is protected by Section 504?

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Presentation on theme: "Section 504 Campus Training. Who is protected by Section 504?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Section 504 Campus Training

2 Who is protected by Section 504?

3 Section 504 Students IDEA Students All Public School Students

4 Can a student have a Section 504 plan and an IEP at the same time?

5 NO Once a student has been identified as disabled under IDEA, all supports and services go through the ARD committee.

6 What is Section 504?

7 Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 states

8 What does Section 504 offer?

9 #1 Protection from discrimination

10 #2 Accommodations and supports

11 Who might receive protection and supports through Section 504?


13 Individual with a Disability

14 Do disability and impairment mean the same thing in Section 504?

15 YES These terms are used interchangeably in Section 504.


17 An A honor roll student who is visually impaired and needs large print materials

18 YES The visual impairment substantially limits many life activities including reading. This student could receive protection and a Section 504 plan.

19 A student who is diabetic and goes to the nurse every day after lunch to have her blood sugar checked

20 YES Diabetes can substantially limit the life activity of learning. This student could receive protection and a Section 504 plan.


22 A student who was in special education in the primary grades and is now earning As and Bs in all classes, including three AP classes, in 9 th grade

23 NO The disability that provided eligibility for special education no longer substantially limits a major life activity.

24 A student was treated for bone cancer 5 years ago. He has a doctor’s release stating that he no longer has any physical limitations.

25 YES There is a history of impairment that substantially limited many life activities. Section 504 only provides this student with protection from discrimination.


27 A student who has been on Tier 3 in math for 2 years and is not making any progress.

28 NO Lack of progress does not equal having a disability or an impairment.

29 A student has been referred for special education testing. She does not qualify. Is this an automatic referral to Section 504?

30 NO Being referred for special education evaluation does not equal having a disability or an impairment. In this case, there is proof that the student does not have a disability.

31 How do I know if I’m teaching any Section 504 students?

32 Look in Skyward An active Section 504 record creates an indicator that teachers can view in Skyward.

33 Teacher Access The “Teacher Access” tab in Skyward will allow teachers to see a list of Section 504 students. Click on the arrow next to the 504 student’s name, it will open up more details.

34 What if I don’t provide the Section 504 students the accommodations listed in the plans?

35 #1 Parents can file a complaint with OCR that result in investigations, reviews, and enforcement proceedings

36 #2 Compensatory services could be awarded

37 #3 There can be consequences for the employee

38 #4 Districts can lose federal funding

39 What do I need to do to protect my Section 504 students, the District, and myself?

40 Know your Section 504 students #1

41 #2 Follow the Section 504 plans with fidelity

42 Keep documentation #3

43 What if I believe that a student has a disability/impairment that substantially limits a major life activity?

44 Contact your campus Section 504 coordinator and begin a referral to Section 504

45 Who can I contact if I have questions about Section 504?

46 Campus Section 504 Coordinator Jennifer Miller (5871) Cindy Dubuis (5784)

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