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Pyrolysis Oil By Jacqueline and Angelina. What is pyrolysis oil?  Pyrolysis oil is often called biocrude. It is a synthetic fuel extracted by biomass.

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Presentation on theme: "Pyrolysis Oil By Jacqueline and Angelina. What is pyrolysis oil?  Pyrolysis oil is often called biocrude. It is a synthetic fuel extracted by biomass."— Presentation transcript:

1 Pyrolysis Oil By Jacqueline and Angelina

2 What is pyrolysis oil?  Pyrolysis oil is often called biocrude. It is a synthetic fuel extracted by biomass to liquid technology (called destructive distillation).

3 How is pyrolysis oil created?  Pyrolysis oil is created using a process called destructive distillation. The process starts with an organic substance (such as wood, coal, or oil) which is put into an oxygen- poor environment (and is usually put under pressure). Then, the substance is heated, which leaves an assortment of volatile compounds, which are collected.

4 Advantages  Easy to store and transport  This makes pyrolysis oil convenient and less expensive as manufacturers don’t have to spend as much money storing and transporting it.  Doesn’t interfere with the food chain  This makes pyrolysis oil more environmentally friendly as it doesn’t affect surrounding ecosystems.  Is a greenhouse gas neutral biofuel  This means pyrolysis oil has low greenhouse gas emissions. This also makes it more environmentally friendly as it won’t pollute nearly as much as fuels do now.

5 Disadvantages  Its acidity can corrode the engine faster  This means that the engines will have to be replaced more frequently; or that the engines will need to be made from a different material that can better withstand the acidity.  The high viscosity makes it so it can’t be used in current engines  This means that new engines would have to be designed and created in order to use pyrolysis oil. This also means that new factories would have to be made to create the engines, along with new gas stations and new tools to repair the engines. Additionally, repair people would have to learn how to repair pyrolysis oil engines.

6 Pyrolysis Oil  Is created through destructive distillation process  Advantages  Easily stored and transported  Doesn’t interfere with the food chain  Is a biofuel that is greenhouse gas neutral  Disadvantages  Would corrode the engine faster due to its acidity  Requires a new engine due to its high viscosity

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