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Mt. Sterling Elementary MAY 20, 2015 Terry Rhodes 859-585-7762

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1 Mt. Sterling Elementary MAY 20, 2015 Terry Rhodes 859-585-7762



4 Interpreting the Architecture of the KCAS-Science (Next Generation Science Standards)

5 Performance Exp. Assessment Box Foundation Boxes Connection Boxes Title and Code Clarification Statement Assessment Boundary Engineering Component Science and Engineering Practices Disciplinary Core Ideas Cocti Engineering, Technology and Applications of Science; Nature of Science; Connections to other DCI’s Articulation of DCI’s CCSS Connections: ELE/Literacy and Mathematics P.E. Codes Crosscutting Concepts DCI Science and Engineering Practices

6 Assessable Component Foundation Boxes How What Why Connection Box


8 How Do They Go Together? Thinking About Bundling  Close Ipads, laptops, phones and Standards books! NO CHEATING!  Lay out the strips and begin reading the Performance Expectations  Start thinking about how they fit together; where do they overlap? What PE’s will be bridges to other concepts? How do the engineering expectations fit in?

9  Once you have come to consensus, tape the strips to chart paper and use markers to write in additional information such as essential/overarching questions, unit names or cross-discipline ideas  Remember…some may go in more than one place!  Hang the posters by grade/by school, starting with K

10 How do you know your students are learning?

11  New academic standards  New assessments  Program Reviews  New accountability system  Improved professional development  Unified plan for improving college/career readiness Kentucky Legislation – SB1 2009 11

12 Language in SB1 2009

13 KY’s Next Gen Science Assessment System

14 The Plan for Science Assessment* 1.Work is taking place to define a framework for a balanced assessment system for science. 2.WestEd has been selected to be the thinking partner to deliver the framework and item/test specifications based on educator input. 3.WestEd is NOT creating the assessments themselves – just the specs. 4.A new vendor will be sought to create operational assessments that meet the specifications developed. 5.KY teachers voices matter and are being sought to inform the specifications. 6.The intent is to broaden the discussion of science assessment to include the high school model, but we are starting with K-8 first.

15 The focus is building a framework for a system of assessment that begins in the classroom, focusing on generating information that enables teachers to adjust instruction and students to track their learning and focus on growth and improvement – for all levels / courses. The process of identifying defensible evidence of student understanding goes beyond the bounds of any particular assessment. The information the vendor will provide can be extrapolated to all science levels / courses.

16 PLAY RECORDING (45 min) RCID=6abe23cd7d6ad8f24e72c36d0ace33d2 RCID=6abe23cd7d6ad8f24e72c36d0ace33d2 Update on Next Generation Science Assessment work with WestEd; the link to the recorded meeting that was conducted with TEACHER LEADERS on Wednesday, May 6

17 Tools for Deconstruction Internet

18 Under “Presentations” tab





23 Intent Protocol







30 Mt. Sterling Elementary MAY 20, 2015 Terry Rhodes 859-585-7762

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