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Essential Questions Who was King John and what important document did he sign? What changes did William the Conqueror make in England? Who did Ferdinand.

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Presentation on theme: "Essential Questions Who was King John and what important document did he sign? What changes did William the Conqueror make in England? Who did Ferdinand."— Presentation transcript:

1 Essential Questions Who was King John and what important document did he sign? What changes did William the Conqueror make in England? Who did Ferdinand and Isabella force out of Spain? Who played a major role in the Hundred Years’ War? What were the results of the Hundred Years’ War?

2 The High (Late) Middle Ages Royal Power Notes

3 William the Conqueror (England)  1066 Had Domesday Book compiled  1086 census, listed every castle, field, and pigpen in England (tax collecting system) Battle of Hastings  William the Conqueror defeated Harold and assumed the crown of England Exerted firm control over his lands –Granted fiefs to the church and his Norman lords –Monitored the building of castles –Required every vassal to swear first allegiance to him


5 Henry II (England)  1154 Broadened system of royal justice Common Law  decisions of royal courts, law that was the same for all people Jury System  a group of men sworn to speak the truth, determined which cases should be brought to trial


7 John (England)  1200 Lost war against Philip II (gave up English lands in Anjou and Normandy) Signed Magna Carta (1215) –Nobles had certain rights  overtime these rights were extended to all English citizens –The monarch must obey the law


9 Hugh Capet (France)  987 Count of Paris who increased royal power and built an effective bureaucracy Made the throne hereditary and won the support of the Church Added to French royal lands

10 Philip II (France)  1226 Used paid middle-class officials instead of appointing nobles to fill government positions Granted charters to new towns and organized a standing army Introduced a new national tax and quadrupled royal landholdings

11 Ferdinand and Isabella (Spain)  1492 Reconquista  pushed Muslims out of Spain (Granada) Spanish Inquisition  rid Spain of heretics

12 Ivan (Russia)  1462-1505 Ivan the Great Increased Russia's landholdings Established absolute rule in Russia (Czar)

13 The High (Late) Middle Ages The Hundred Years’ War

14 Causes Edward III (English King) claimed the French throne in 1337 – war erupted and lasted until 1453 (116 years later)

15 Events of the War At first, England won a string of victories – they owed their success to archers and the longbowmen who used their bows to bring down fearless knights It looked like England would win the war until Joan of Arc arrived Joan of Arc convinced the French King, Charles, to let her lead his army against the English Joan inspired the French troops and the siege of Orleans was broken The Burgundians captured Joan of Arc, and turned her over to the English, who passed her along to the French King. He condemned her as a witch and burned her at the stake on May 30, 1431


17 More Events of the War The English captured Joan of Arc, tried her for witchcraft, and burned her at the stake French viewed Joan as a martyr (strengthened their cause) French went on the offensive after Joan’s death – used the cannon (new weapon) to attack the English


19 Results France – created a growing sense of nationalism in France and people considered the king as a national leader England – suffered from a period of turmoil called the Age of the Roses forced the English Kings to rely heavily on Parliament to fund the war


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