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LM-PAFOG: three dimensional fog forecasting with the “Lokal Modell” of the German Weather Service Matthieu Masbou 1,2 & Andreas Bott 1 1 Meteorological.

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Presentation on theme: "LM-PAFOG: three dimensional fog forecasting with the “Lokal Modell” of the German Weather Service Matthieu Masbou 1,2 & Andreas Bott 1 1 Meteorological."— Presentation transcript:

1 LM-PAFOG: three dimensional fog forecasting with the “Lokal Modell” of the German Weather Service Matthieu Masbou 1,2 & Andreas Bott 1 1 Meteorological Institute, University of Bonn, Germany, 2 Laboratoire de Météorologie physique, University Blaise Pascal, Clermont-Ferrand, France COST 722 : Short Range Fog Forecasting, Visibility and low cloud 6th EMS Conference Ljubljana, September 2006

2 Fog Formation cooling Increase in humidity Radiation fogAdvection fog Valley fog Upslope fog Precipitation fog 1D3D (1D)

3 3D FOG Model = LM + PAFOG Droplets number Concentration Liquid Water Content LM-DynamicsPAFOG-Microphysics Boundary NcNc 2000 m 20 000 m Soil Model NcNc qcqc qcqc Water/Ice CloudPrecipitation Fog/Stratus NcNc

4 PAFOG Microphysics Assumption for droplet spectra : Log-normal D droplet Diameter D c,0 mean value of D σ c Standart deviation of size distribution (σ c =0.2) Supersaturation S Diameter in μmCCN Concentration 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35

5 PAFOG Microphysics 2b-Time dependent relation between 2a-Detailed Condensation/Evaporation : Parameterized Köhler relation [Chaumerliac et al. (1987) and Sakakibara (1979)] 3-Droplet size dependent Sedimentation Positive Definite Advection Scheme Supersaturation S and Diameter D 1- Activation [Twomey (1954)] : k and C depend on their environment (maritime, rural, urban) [Bott (1989)]

6 Resolution of LM-PAFOG LMLM-PAFOG 68 m 153 m 256 m 0.2 m 1.9 m 4m ….. 40m Ksoil = 2Ksoil = 8 ke = 35 ke = 40 k=35 k=25 0.002m 0.18m 1.2m ks=1 ks=9 k=34 k=33 k=18 k=16 Horizontal Resolution : 100 x 100 pixels Δxy = 2.8 km 25 levels in the lowest 2 000 m Vertical Resolution : Atmosphere - 35 levels ΔZmin = 4m Soil - 8 levels ΔZs,min = 5 mm

7 Surface Fluxes LW in W/m 2 SW in W/m 2 Tsurf in K Initialization: 2005 September 26th 48 hours forecast Time Step: 6 sec.

8 LM-PAFOG Cross Section LWC in kg/kgT in K RH in % 2005 September, 27th 00 UTC

9 LWC in kg/kgT in K RH in % FOG LM-PAFOG Cross Section 2005 September, 27th 01 UTC

10 LWC in kg/kgT in K RH in % FOG LM-PAFOG Cross Section 2005 September, 27th 02 UTC

11 LWC in kg/kgT in K RH in % FOG LM-PAFOG Cross Section 2005 September, 27th 03 UTC

12 LWC in kg/kgT in K RH in % FOG LM-PAFOG Cross Section 2005 September, 27th 04 UTC

13 LWC in kg/kgT in K RH in % FOG LM-PAFOG Cross Section 2005 September, 27th 05 UTC

14 LWC in kg/kgT in K RH in % FOG LM-PAFOG Cross Section 2005 September, 27th 06 UTC

15 LWC in kg/kgT in K RH in % FOG LM-PAFOG Cross Section 2005 September, 27th 07 UTC

16 LWC in kg/kgT in K RH in % LM-PAFOG Cross Section 2005 September, 27th 08 UTC

17 CONCLUSION - 3D Fog models with complex microphysics - Very Promising results/ case studies - Long time verification (Sept-Dec 2005) - Statistics Methods : Comparison Satellite/3D Model Future plans Thanks COST 722

18 REFERENCES Chaumerliac, N., Richard, E. & Pinty, J.-P. (1987), Sulfur scavenging in a mesoscale model with quasi-spectral microphysic : Two dimensional results for continental and maritime clouds, J. Geophys. Res. 92, 3114- 3126. Sakakibara, H. (1979), A scheme for stable numerical computation of the condensation process with large time step, J. Meteorol. Soc. Japan 57, 349-353. Twomey, S. (1959), The nuclei of natural cloud formation. Part ii : The supersaturation in natural clouds and the variation of cloud droplet concentration, Geophys. Pura Appl. 43, 243-249. Berry, E.X & Pranger, M. P. (1974), Equation for calculating the terminal velocities of water drops, J. Appl. Meteor. 13, 108-113. Bott, A. (1989), A positive definite advection schemme obtained by nonlinear renormalization of the advective fluxes, Monthly Weather Review 117, 1006-1015. Bott, A. & Trautmann, T. (2002), PAFOG – a new efficient forecast model of radiation fog and low-level stratiform clouds, Atmospheric Research 64, 191-203.


20 Boundary Condition for Nc Diameter in μm CCN Concentration Height σcσc 1 000m PAFOG TOP 1 000m

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