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Directie Toezicht Energie 1 Gas Regional Initiative North West Maya van der Steenhoven Programme Office 28 April, 2009 Bonn.

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Presentation on theme: "Directie Toezicht Energie 1 Gas Regional Initiative North West Maya van der Steenhoven Programme Office 28 April, 2009 Bonn."— Presentation transcript:

1 Directie Toezicht Energie 1 Gas Regional Initiative North West Maya van der Steenhoven Programme Office 28 April, 2009 Bonn

2 Directie Toezicht Energie 2 Agenda Reasons for discussion on capacity framework for new structure: Criteria 7 current projects Goals Roadmap List of projects for 2009/2010 Questions on projects Questions on organization

3 Directie Toezicht Energie 3 Reasons for discussion on capacity less travelling, so more joined meetings less work for stakeholders/operators more focus and more actual learning from doing, pilots if possible finding synergies learning from previous achievements structure should help to deliver desired deliverables

4 Directie Toezicht Energie 4 Framework for new structure To have one single Capacity Working Group To restructure the current 7 projects into less projects To try to define pilots or concrete deliverables To ensure proper project management with assigned responsibilities and a structure for input from RCC, IG and SG

5 Directie Toezicht Energie 5 7 current projects Availability of short term capacity STC (C1) to be continued in new work stream Day Ahead Capacity DACA to be continued in new work stream Bundled capacity (C3) Capacity service evolution (C3) Some quick wins detected in report. Fluxys (C3) Report doesn’t lead to further action. IP BOS/flow commitment Under discussion with GTS. Interconnection Points B/T and M/O (C1) all deliverables have been made.

6 Directie Toezicht Energie 6 Finished projects Fluxys: This service helps improve the usage of existing infrastructure. It clearly fosters the European gas market and answers one of the objectives of the GRI NW However the applicability of this service to other TSOs in GRI NW is limited as they currently do not differentiate transit from domestic transport

7 Directie Toezicht Energie 7 Finished projects IP MO/BT The outcomes of the project have been successful. Every proposal which is not under technical or legal constraint has been implemented. Lesson is that intensif approach on IP with operators, regulators and marketparties can lead to success. All IP’s are different.

8 Directie Toezicht Energie 8 Goals Roadmap In the roadmap a few fundamental building blocks were indicated: easily accessible capacity compatible contracts for capacity compatible network rules at interconnection points

9 Directie Toezicht Energie 9 Work from roadmap Maximising use of existing capacity including reserve capacity also looking at incentivisation of TSO’s Renomination rules Compatible short term primary capacity products: capacity product definition Start of Pilot of bundled day-ahead primary interruptible capacity at BOS Establishment of operational exchange for firm secondary capacity

10 Directie Toezicht Energie 10 List of projects to be continued or picked up in 2009/2010 More Short Term Capacity if possible (including incentivisation) This deliverable continues work from the current STC project. There is a discussion currently on the concrete deliverables. secondary capacity to new IP points and involving new TSOs and Further improvement of current secondary capacity trading possibilities Pilot on bundled interruptible products

11 Directie Toezicht Energie 11 Framework for new structure To have one single Capacity Working Group To restructure the current 7 projects into less projects To try to define pilots or concrete deliverables To ensure proper project management with assigned responsibilities and a structure for input from RCC, IG and SG

12 Directie Toezicht Energie 12 Questions on projects How often does the super group meet? Do the 3 groups meet around it? Will each supergroup define its explicit deliverables or pilots for the next supergroup meeting?

13 Directie Toezicht Energie 13 Questions on organization Do we agree with one Capacity Super Group? When setting up the Super group and subgroups, what are the rules/recommendations?

14 Directie Toezicht Energie 14 Gasplatform Minutes – Extract “CONCLUSION: Mr Sieders detects a clear preference for a more harmonized approach for allocation of capacities and a willingness among all participants to work towards solutions. The following agreements are made: - GRI NW (coordinated by Ms Annen & van der Steenhoven) with the help of operators will prepare a factual overview of the present situation concerning the different allocation mechanisms at IPs including an analysis of resulting bottlenecks. - An overview of pros and cons of different allocation mechanisms will be presented on the basis of the ERGEG and GRI work and with the input of operators, taking into account practical arguments against or in favour of new regimes. - Possible open seasons planned for the coming 2 years will be identified and the possibilities for coordination will be analysed.”

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