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1 Stat 350 Lab Session GSI: Yizao Wang Section 016 Mon 2pm30-4pm MH 444-D Section 043 Wed 2pm30-4pm MH 444-B.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Stat 350 Lab Session GSI: Yizao Wang Section 016 Mon 2pm30-4pm MH 444-D Section 043 Wed 2pm30-4pm MH 444-B."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Stat 350 Lab Session GSI: Yizao Wang Section 016 Mon 2pm30-4pm MH 444-D Section 043 Wed 2pm30-4pm MH 444-B

2 2 Outline First midterm exam reminder Big ideas review Qwizdom and non-qwizdom review questions In lab project (ILP) on proportion Today’s Qwizdom question is anonymous, you don’t have to login with your UMID.

3 3 First Midterm Exam 14 th Feb. 6pm-7pm30 1324 EH Material: Ch. 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 9.1-9.4, 10.1-10.3, 12.1-12.3, 12.5 HW 1-4 and all lab material Bring: PICTURE ID, Pen/pencils, erasers, and a calculator. Formula cards with tables will be provided with the exam. Alternate, randomized seating will be used in the exam rooms. No cell phones, beepers, palm pilots allowed in the exam rooms. All bags/backpacks will be placed against the exam room wall, so the less extra things you bring, the better.

4 4 Data We’ve talked about two broad types of data this semester Do you remember what they are?

5 5 Probability We learned several rules for calculating probabilities of events –E.g. the event ‘Tails’ in the flip of a fair coin Special relationships between two events –Mutually exclusive –Independent –Could you provide definitions and examples of each?

6 6 Random Variables We’ve talked about two types of random variables –Can you name them? We’ve talked about three different models (i.e. distributions) for random variables –Can you describe them (be specific)? –Can you find probabilities under each? –Do you know which model is appropriate for each type?

7 7 Sampling Distribution of p-hat Can you describe what the sampling distribution of p-hat is? Do you know when to use it? –When the problem asks you to find a probability for a sample proportion –When the sample size is large enough: np≥10, n(1-p) ≥10

8 8 Confidence Intervals for p Useful when we want to provide a range of reasonable estimates for the population proportion Do you know how to interpret the confidence level? Do you know how to use a confidence interval to make a decision, and under what conditions this would be appropriate?

9 9 Hypothesis Testing for p Useful for making a Yes/No type decision about particular value(s) of a population proportion Do you know the 5 steps of hypothesis testing? Can you interpret and calculate a test statistic? Can you interpret and calculate a p-value?

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