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1. You or partner get a card. 2. Do not write on the card. 3. Highlight in your notes where the answer to the question is. 4. Do not write on the card.

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Presentation on theme: "1. You or partner get a card. 2. Do not write on the card. 3. Highlight in your notes where the answer to the question is. 4. Do not write on the card."— Presentation transcript:

1 1. You or partner get a card. 2. Do not write on the card. 3. Highlight in your notes where the answer to the question is. 4. Do not write on the card. 5. Answer the question. 6. Do not write on the card.

2  Be able to describe why microbursts can cause deadly plane accidents.

3  Missing flood projects.  Test on Meteorology this Friday (4/10). ◦ Hurricanes ◦ Tornadoes ◦ Lightning ◦ Floods ◦ Microbursts


5  A microburst is a strong downdraft, less than 2.5 miles in diameter, associated with thunderstorms.  This concentrated column of sinking air can be very dangerous, even though they only last a few minutes.

6  There are two types of microbursts and about 8,000 total microbursts a year in the US.  Wet Microburst ◦ Has rain  Dry Microburst ◦ Doesn’t have rain

7  Wet and dry microbursts can occur every where.  Dry microbursts are most common in the midwest/west.  Wet microbursts are most common in the southeast.

8 1. What is a microburst? 2. How many microburst occur each year in the US?

9  Normally formed by precipitation-cooled air rushing to the surface.  Can also be formed by high speed winds deflecting towards the ground by a thunderstorm.  Winds speeds around 170mph

10  Downburst develops as the downdraft begins its descent from a cloud base.

11  This is the outburst stage where the winds curl as the cold air moves away from the point of impact.

12  This is the cushion stage. The winds about the curl continue to accelerate, while the winds at the surface slow due to friction.


14 1. What are the 3 stages of a microburst?


16  Missing flood projects. ◦ CJ  Test on Meteorology this Friday (4/10). ◦ Hurricanes ◦ Tornadoes ◦ Lightning ◦ Floods ◦ Microbursts

17  Know the dangers of microbursts.

18  A photograph of the surface curl soon after a microburst impacted the surface








26  Microbursts are particularly dangerous for pilots because of their very strong winds going to every direction.  Microbursts only last from a few seconds to a couple of minutes so they are tricky to track or predict.

27  Dry microbursts can be invisible to the naked eye so they can really catch a pilot off guard.  Microbursts are less than 2.5 miles wide so they can sneak up quickly.




31   8 of the 11 crew members died  128 of the 152 passengers died ◦ Tail section broke off an slide away from main explosion  1 person on the ground was decapitated by one of the engines as the plane “bounced” over his Honda  Actual radio communication ◦ WARNING: Contains foul language ◦ ◦ Flight simulator

32  Why are microbursts particularly harmful to aircraft?

33  Besides tearing planes out of the sky microbursts can cause some other serious damage.  Microbursts can cause damage paths similar to those created by tornadoes.




37  Microbursts can destroy houses, and trees.  Can turn objects into projectiles just like a tornado.  Need to watch out for flying debris.

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39 1. How do microbursts compare to the other types of meteorological events we’ve learned about?

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