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Ecosytem in Danger By: Margaret, Max, Michael and Jack.

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Presentation on theme: "Ecosytem in Danger By: Margaret, Max, Michael and Jack."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ecosytem in Danger By: Margaret, Max, Michael and Jack

2  In 1608 Captain John Smith found a bunch of fish on the bay.  In the small rivers in the years there were plenty of small fish.

3 It covers a surface area over 2200 square miles  The bay area is a vast and complicated ecosystem.  The bay holds 18 trillion gallons of water.

4  Yes, because it has plants above the water.  Yes, because there are fish and lots of bugs living on the plants.

5 Covers 64,000 sqaure miles Between Vermont and North Carolina  An area of land whose water drains into the same place.  The water can drain water from six states, those states are, Maryland, Delaware, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, and New York.

6  Land in the water shed slopes toward the bay, just like the water in the bathtub would go towards the drain.  So much of the water that runs off this land the slop toward the bay.

7  Animals need under water grasses.  Animals of the bay depend on baby fish, shrimp, crab, seahorses and even turtles stay safe.

8  Some sedementation occours but humans cause most of it.  Humans especially when we cut down trees and other vegetion.

9  Oysters serve as natural filters, helping keep the water.  To trap it’s food, microscopic algae, and oyster pumps in water –up two gallons per hour.

10  Many different kinds of fish live in or visit the bay for part of the year.  Some have weird names such as cownose ray and hogchocker.

11  The bay still produses about half of the blue crabs harvest.  The crab are great survivers. They eat almost anything that they can find.

12  Animals in your ecocollemms had been threatened by pollotion.  We all know that solving problems reqareis making compromises.

13 The End

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